QUOTE(Mytee @ 2008 05 29, 22:37)
oj ne tikrai yra ju daug ivairios paskirties, tik yra vienas kuris skaitosi universalus
as nebuciau tokia kategoriska
tas pats ukinis muilas ziurek kaip daug kam tinka
sorry kad cia biski ne i tema
mytee, asmeniškai tau cituoju prieš 2 psl gvildentą LOC sudėtį. raudonai paryškinu sudedamąsias dalis, kurių kenksmingumas įrodo, kad LOC tikrai netinka nei gėlėms laistyt, nei gert, nei ant galvos pilt
QUOTE(ingalp @ 2008 05 27, 14:43)
beje ant valiklio LOC butelio yra sudėtis:
Aqua, sodium C12-15 Pareth sulfatte, cocamide DEA, sodium chloride, triethanolamine, citric acid, parfum, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylsothiazolinone, limonene, citral linalool. contains more than 5 %, but less than 15 % anionic surfactant, nionic surfactant.
nu gal pakomentuotų kokios nors chemikės
QUOTE(ingalp @ 2008 05 28, 13:29)
Aqua, -vanduo
sodium C12-15 Pareth sulfatte,
cocamide DEA, - Cocamide DEA, or cocamide diethanolamine, is a diethanolamide made by reacting fatty acids in coconut oils with diethanolamine. It is a viscous liquid and is used as a foaming agent in bath products like shampoos and hand soaps, and in cosmetics as an emulsifying agent.
sodium chloride, - valgomoji druska
triethanolamine, - Triethanolamine, often abbreviated as TEA, is an organic chemical compound which is both a tertiary amine and a tri-alcohol. A tri-alcohol is a molecule with three hydroxyl groups. Like other amines, triethanolamine acts as a weak base due to the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom.
This ingredient is used as a pH balancer in cosmetic preparations in a variety of different products - ranging from skin lotion, eye gels, moisturizers, shampoos, shaving foams etc.
citric acid, - citrinos rūgštis
parfum, - kvapai
methylchloroisothiazolinone, - Methylchloroisothiazolinone (5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolinon-3-one) is a preservative with antibacterial and antifungal effects within the group of isothiazolinones. It is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, yeast and fungi.
In high concentrations it can cause chemical burns and it is a skin and membrane irritant and so it was largely removed from most cosmetic products except for those with only short duration skin contact such as rinse-offs.methylsothiazolinone, - Methylisothiazolinone or MIT, sometimes erroneously called methylisothiazoline, is a powerful biocide and preservative within the group of isothiazolinones, used in shampoos and body care products.
Though long considered safe for use in cosmetics, two recent in vitro studies have shown that MIT is neurotoxic, causing damage to rat brain cells in tissue culture. Long-term health and safety studies have been conducted on animals, and thus far there is no published evidence of nerve damage or neurological effects associated with MIT for consumers or workers. None of the animal safety studies, however, have been published as primary scientific literature in peer-reviewed journals.
limonene, - Limonene is a hydrocarbon, classified as a cyclic terpene. It is a colourless liquid at room temperatures with an extremely strong smell of oranges. Limonene is increasingly being used as a solvent for cleaning purposes, such as the removal of oil from machine parts, as it is produced from a renewable source (citrus oil, as a byproduct of orange juice manufacture.) It also serves as a paint stripper when applied to painted wood. As it is combustible, limonene has also been considered as a biofuel.In perhaps its most exciting application, limonene is useful for recycling polystyrene
citral linalool - wikipedia neranda tokio
contains more than 5 %, but less than 15 % anionic surfactant, nionic surfactant.
na aišku valgyt ir galvos plaut juo nereikėtų, bet kaip valiklis, tai kažkoks super kenksmingas neatrodo kad būtų. pvz AJAX arba Cif tų visokių cheminių keiksmažodžių
žymiai daugiau sudėty turi.
QUOTE(kunigunda78 @ 2008 05 28, 18:47)
papildysiu trumpai pvz. cocamide DEA-viskas priklauso nuo igavimo budo-esu tikra, kad naudojami naftos produktai isgavimui
parfum - taip pat sintetinis, o tai reiskia, kad jame gausu ftalatu, kurie yra ir toksiski ir mutageniniai
limonene, citral, linalool -naturaliose priemonese yra isgaunami is eteriniu alieju-tikrai nemanau, kad amway tai ir darytu, nes tai naturalios kosmetikos prerogatyva