Pries metu laiko pradejau lauktis vaikelio ir pradejau intensyviai dometis kosmetikos, kvepalu, maisto poveikiu zmogaus organizmui.
Pradejus dometis sia tema suradau nerima kelianciu straipsniu, faktu apie kenksminga parfumerijos poveiki zmogaus organizmui ir negatyvias pasekmes.
Man ne naujiena buvo tai, kad kvepalai susideda is ivairiu chemikalu ir naturaliu saltiniu, bet niekada nesusimasciau kaip sitie chemikalai veikia mano organizma.
Stai keli faktai:
- there are over 5000 chemicals and materials used in the fragrance industry. A fragrance formula may contain 10 to several hundred different chemicals. One fragrance is reported to have 600 different ingredients.
- only about 1500 of the more than 5000 materials used in fragrances have been tested for safety. The testing that is done is generally limited to acute oral and dermal toxicity, irritation and dermal sensitization, and phototoxicity.
- asthma rates have doubled in the past twenty years. In 1994 there were over 14 million asthmatics (in the USA). In one study 72% of asthmatics were triggered by perfumes and colognes. Each year over 35 million people suffer from sinusitis. Fragrances are general irritants that contribute to the incidence of sinus problems.
- 95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. They include benzene derivatives, aldehydes and many other known toxics and sensitizers capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions.
- some toxic chemicals found in fragrances: toluene, ethanol, acetone, formaldehyde, limonene, benzene derivatives, methylene chloride, and many others known to cause cancer, birth defects, infertility, nervous system damage, or other injuries. The EPA found chloroform as well in fabric softeners.
Saltinis: http://www.fpinva.org/
Besidomedama apie kvepalu sudetines dalis, skaiciau apie muskusa, ir radau Wikipedia pastraipa: "since obtaining the deer musk requires killing the endangered animal, nearly all musk fragrance used in perfumery today is synthesis, or called "white musk". They can be divided into three major classes aromatic nitro musks, polycyclic musk compounds, and macrocyclic musk compounds. The first two groups have broad uses in industry ranging from cosmetics to detergents. However, the detection of the first two chemical groups in human and environmental samples as well as their carcinogenic properties initiated a public debate on the use of these compounds and a ban or reduction of their use in many regions of the world."
O daugumos kosmetiniu, parfumeriniu produktu saugumui patikrinti as naudojuos Skin Deep database:
Na, o cia sarasas tu kompaniju, kurios atsisake naudoti zalingiausius chemikalus savo produktuose: http://www.safecosme...ies/signers.cfm
"The companies listed below have pledged to not use chemicals that are known or strongly suspected of causing cancer, mutation or birth defects in their products and to implement substitution plans that replace hazardous materials with safer alternatives in every market they serve. Several major cosmetics companies, including OPI, Avon, Estee Lauder, L'Oreal, Revlon, Proctor & Gamble and Unilever have thus far refused to sign the Compact for Safe Cosmetics.:
Tarp ju taip pat nera Chanel, Dior, Lancome..
Atsimenu tuomet labai sunerimau.
Masciau, kad kvapai naudojami aromoterapijoje kaip gydomoji terapija. Bet juose naudojami naturalus augaliniai aliejukai.
Tinkami kvepalai veikia musu nuotaika ir t.t. Tad ju naudojimas turi ir privalumu. Bet ar jie atsveria trukumus? Kokia Jusu nuomone sia tema?
As parfumerija, kosmetika megaujuos ir naudoju, bet dabar visuomet pirkdama pagalvoju ar nedarau zalos sau ir aplinkiniams.