QUOTE(jole70 @ 2009 11 23, 21:00)
sveikutes.Turiu klausimuka,gal padetumet???/.turiu dvimete Z K ,su vyru santykiai itemti.Manime jis isnaudoja,as nenoriu jam pasiduoti.Manau,kad nesukauksiu kol baigsis du metai,kaip man pasielgti.Liko vieni metai ir neaisku,ka daryt toliau,nesinori prarasti legaluma,nes daug pinigeliu ir sveikatos kainavo....................Gal kas zinote panasiu istoriju...Aciu
Kiek žinau, tai po ir skyrybų galite pakeisti laikiną ŽK į permanent. Ypač, jei skyrybos įvyko dėl to, jog vyras jus ar vaikus fiziškai ar morališkai skriaudė.
Svarbu tik įrodyti, jog susituokta buvo ne dėl imigracinio statuso, t.y., kad santuoka buvo legali.
How to Remove Conditions ir formą I-751.
Čia trumpai:
If You Are No Longer Married To Your Spouse or if You Have Been Battered or Abused by Your Spouse
If you are no longer married to your spouse, or if you have been battered or abused by your spouse, you can apply to waive the joint filing requirement. In such cases, you may apply to remove the conditions on your permanent residence any time after you become a conditional resident, but before you are removed from the country.
How to Get a Waiver of the Requirement to File a Joint Petition
If you are unable to apply with your spouse to remove the conditions on your residence, you may request a waiver of the joint filing requirement. You may request consideration of more than one waiver provision at a time.
You may request a waiver of the joint petitioning requirements if:
* Your deportation or removal would result in extreme hardship
* You entered into your marriage in good faith, and not to evade immigration laws, but the marriage ended by annulment or divorce, and you were not at fault in failing to file a timely petition
* You entered into your marriage in good faith, and not to evade immigration laws, but during the marriage you or your child were battered by, or subjected to extreme cruelty committed by your U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse, and you were not at fault in failing to file a joint petition
Note: Refer to Form I-751 for more specific information on waivers
If You Are In Divorce Proceedings But Are Not Yet Divorced
If you are still married, but legally separated and/or in pending divorce or annulment proceedings, and:
* You filed a waiver request. We will issue a request for evidence (RFE) specifically asking for a copy of the final divorce decree or annulment (if applicable).
* You filed a Form I-751 petition jointly. We will issue a request for evidence (RFE) specifically asking for a copy of the final divorce decree or annulment and a statement that you would like to have your joint filing petition treated as a waiver.
Upon receipt of the final divorce decree or annulment within the specified time period, we will amend the petition, to indicate that eligibility has been established for a waiver of the joint filing requirement based on the termination of the marriage.