
Mokykimės anglų kalbos savarankiškai - 4

QUOTE(Pasaulė @ 2008 08 26, 19:24)
Taip, tik aš jau atostogauju. Išnaudoju savo metines atostogas. thumbup.gif

as jau irgi atostogauju thumbup.gif - reik traukt anglu vadovelius ir kartotis ka moku thumbup.gif
QUOTE(rimule @ 2008 08 27, 14:40)
Labas, as taip pat domiuosi anglu kalba. Bandziau pasinaudoti nuorodomis is pirmos temos ir atsisiusti knygu tarimui gerinti, pvz. Pronunciation In Use. Keista, bet man joks puslapis neatsidaro g.gif  Gal galetumete paaiskinti, kodel? Kaip suprantu, slaptazodzio reikes tik po to kai faila atsisiunti? Buciau dekinga uz pagalba 4u.gif

slaptazodi issiunciau, o kas del sios knygutes - dabar yra isejes najas jos leidimas ir ji yra keleto lygiu - elementary/intermediat/advanced - kuris lygis tave domintu?

o gal sudedu visus tris? g.gif
Gal dar kam pravers rolleyes.gif


Knyga | Audio 1 | Audio 2 | Audio 3 | Audio 4

Įspėju - audio parsisiuntus - gausite iso formato failą, kurį reikės apdoroti su Daemon Tols arba Alcohol 120 programėlėm (man paprasčiau su antrąja)... Jei neesat nieko panašaus darę teks paieškot kas pagelbėtų, nes čia forume bus sunkoka paaiškint... ax.gif
Šį pranešimą redagavo FAINulka@: 01 rugsėjo 2008 - 14:03

Knyga | Audio1 | Audio2 | Audio3 | Audio4 | Audio5 | Audio6

Knyga | Audio1 | Audio2 | Audio3 | Audio4 | Audio5 | Audio6
QUOTE(Dowe @ 2008 08 28, 15:50)
Labukas, aš jūsų temą vis seku, kai ką parsisiunčiu, bet taip sunku visą laiką save priverst mokytis..
Bet dabar jau prispaudė aplinkybės, praknisau temas ir jau nebeveikia NEW HEADWAY Pre-Intermediate lygio audio failai, gal tas kas turi galėtų atnaujinti?

Ir gal kas nepatingėtų įdėti kokių verslo kalbos knygučių, nes senosios nuorodos nebeveikia...


o kokiu verslo knyguciu nori? market leader vadovelius rekomenduoju mirksiukas.gif
QUOTE(Dinariuke @ 2008 08 30, 12:51)
Sveikos jungiuosi i Jusu gretas vel  lotuliukas.gif

sveika sveika smile.gif

SU RUGSEJO 1-aja visas ir visus besimokancius ar bezadancius mokytis anglu kalbos drinks_cheers.gif drinks_cheers.gif drinks_cheers.gif
QUOTE(Dowe @ 2008 08 28, 15:50)
Labukas, aš jūsų temą vis seku, kai ką parsisiunčiu, bet taip sunku visą laiką save priverst mokytis..
Bet dabar jau prispaudė aplinkybės, praknisau temas ir jau nebeveikia NEW HEADWAY Pre-Intermediate lygio audio failai, gal tas kas turi galėtų atnaujinti?

Ir gal kas nepatingėtų įdėti kokių verslo kalbos knygučių, nes senosios nuorodos nebeveikia...


New Headway
Pre Intermediate

Audio1 | Audio2
QUOTE(Jaskolka @ 2008 08 30, 10:41)
sveikos  rolleyes.gif
labai reiktu sitos knygos bent pirmu dvieju skyriu, gal uzmatet kur?  unsure.gif

Leon G. Schiffman, St. John's University, New York City.
Leslie Kanuk
Havard Hansen
,Consumer Behaviour: A European Outlook'

ir dar bet kokiu patarimu apie case studies, o tai kaip is medzio iskritus jauciuos  doh.gif

kiek pamenu is studiju tai case study ne kas kita kaip tam tikra situacijos analize.. tik buvo tam tikros gaires kaip ja apiforminti ir t.t. ar as klystu? g.gif tad patarimu sitoj temoj vargiai sulauksi, nes tai mazai susije su anglu mokymusi (nebent kad anglu kalba gali rasti nemazai medziagos internete...) mirksiukas.gif
Sveikos, daznai cia bunu. noriu padekot visoms padedancioms mokytis anglu kalbos smile.gif
Fainulka, gal zinai kokiu knygu su maistu, gaminimu, gavau darbo turesiu kursus vest virejom ir barmenem tai suku gal is kur mrdziagos paraut. Gal gali ka pasiulyt. bigsmile.gif
tai cia visos puikia mokancios anglu kalba ???? toli iki to .... smile.gif
QUOTE(Persika @ 2008 09 01, 21:22)
tai cia visos puikia mokancios anglu kalba ???? toli iki to .... smile.gif

Ne visos ir ne puikiai, visada yra kur tobulet. mirksiukas.gif
Ačiū už pre-intermedia audio failiukus.

>>o kokiu verslo knyguciu nori? market leader vadovelius rekomenduoju

Mano darbo pobūdis tiesiog pasikeitė ir norėčiau daugiau sužinoti vartojamų verslo kalboje angliškų žodžių, kai rašyti laišką, kokios pagrindinės frazės ir pan..
Jei turi šitą knygutę, tai gal idėk, jei nesunku..
Iš anksto ačiū 4u.gif
labukas besimokančioms anglu kalbos.
Stoju į jūsų gretas 4u.gif thumbup.gif
QUOTE(Persika @ 2008 09 01, 21:18)
Sveikos,  daznai cia bunu. noriu padekot visoms padedancioms mokytis anglu kalbos smile.gif

sveika prisijungus 4u.gif pasidalink patirtim kaip sekas mokytis?
QUOTE(Dinariuke @ 2008 09 01, 21:21)
Fainulka, gal zinai kokiu knygu su maistu, gaminimu, gavau darbo turesiu kursus vest virejom ir barmenem tai suku gal is kur mrdziagos paraut. Gal gali ka pasiulyt.  bigsmile.gif

apie maisto produktus ir terminus siek tiek buvo ideta medziagytes ankstesnej pokalbiu angliskai temoje - ikopinu:

Words and phrases to help you talk about food in English.

How food is cooked

boiled - cooked in boiling water
steamed - cooked over a saucepan of boiling water
fried / sauteed - cooked in oil in a frying pan
stir-fried - fried fast in hot oil
pan-fried - fried in a frying pan
roasted - cooked in oil in the oven
grilled - cooked under a grill
baked - cooked in the oven
stewed - cooked for a long time on a low heat
casseroled - cooked slowly in juices

Types of food

meat = lamb, pork or beef
poultry = chicken, turkey, goose, duck
game = rabbit, hare, partridge, pheasant
fish = salt water fish / sea fish, fresh water fish
seafood = prawns, shrimps, lobster, scallops, mussels, crab
starter / hors d'oeuvre / appetiser
main course
dessert / pudding

Cooking Definitions for the Recipes

To bake: To cook in an oven.
To beat: To thoroughly combine ingredients and incorporate air with a rapid, circular motion. This may be done with a wooden spoon, wire whisk, rotary eggbeater, electric mixer or food processor.
To bind: To add a liquid ingredient to a dry mixture to hold it together.
To blend: To process food in an electric blender or mixer.
To boil: To cook a liquid at a temperature of at least 100°C.
To brown: To cook food until it has a brown-coloured appearance, this is usually achieved by grilling, frying or baking.
To bruise: To apply pressure to an ingredient to help release its flavour, eg peel the lemon grass and pound it with the end of a wooden spoon or with a rolling pin to bruise it and add it to the frying pan.
To brush: To cover food with an even layer of liquid by applying it with a pastry brush, eg brush the pastry with beaten egg or milk to glaze.
To chop: To cut food into small even-sized pieces using a knife or food processor.
To cream: To mix fats and sugar together until creamy in appearance.
To crush: To break into uneven pieces.
To dice: To cut small uniform cubes of any solid ingredient eg cheese or carrots, first cut the food into even-sized thick strips and then slice crosswise into cubes.
To dissolve: To mix dry ingredient(s) with liquid until in solution.
To drain: To remove water from ingredients cooked in liquid or from raw ingredients that have been washed in water by placing them in a sieve or colander.
To drizzle: To pour a liquid over other ingredients, usually in a random design and often as a finishing decorative touch.
To dust: To sprinkle lightly with a powder i.e. icing sugar.
To flake : To break cooked fish into individual pieces.
To fold: A method of gently mixing ingredients. Usually egg whites or whipped cream are folded into a heavier mixture, for a souffle, cake, or pie filling. The lighter mixture is placed on top of the heavier mixture, then the two are combined by passing a spatula down through the mixture, across the bottom, and up over the top. This process continues until the mixtures are combined. This traps air into bubbles in the product, allowing baked goods to rise.
To fry: To cook in hot fat.
To garnish: To add a small decoration, often edible, to a savoury dish just before serving to enhance its finished appearance.
To glaze: A glaze is used to give desserts a smooth and/or shiny finish.
To grate: To rub food downwards on a grater to produce shreds or slices of varying thicknesses.
To grease: to apply a layer of fat to a surface to prevent food from sticking, e.g. grease the baking tray with butter.
To grill - To cook by direct radiant heat, eg cook the steak under the grill.
To knead: To work a dough by hand, using a folding-back and pressing-forward motion.
To mash: To break down a cooked ingredient such as potatoes into a smooth mixture using a potato masher or fork.
To melt: Use a high temperature to turn a solid fat into a liquid.
To mince: To cut into very fine, even pieces using a sharp knife, a food processor or a mincer.
To mix: To beat or stir food ingredients together until they are combined.
To peel: To remove the outer layer of a food.
To pour: To transfer a liquid from one container to another.
To press: To apply pressure.
To prick : To make a single small hole or several small holes, often with a fork, eg to bake blind, first prick the pastry base with a fork.
To purée: To press raw or cooked food through a fine sieve or blend in a food processor or liquidiser to produce a smooth mixture.
To roll out: To reduce the thickness of pastry or dough by applying equal pressure with a rolling pin.
To rub in: A method of incorporating fat into flour by rubbing the fat with the fingertips until it combines with the flour to form a mixture with a breadcrumb-like consistency, eg rub the butter into the flour and add enough cold water to form a smooth dough. Pastry, scones, cakes and biscuits are made using the rub in method.
Scoop: A hand held tool with a small semi-circular bowl at one end to scoop portions of foods such as ice cream, sorbet, mashed potato or rice.
To season: To add salt, pepper and/or herbs to a food or dish to enhance its flavour.
To sift: To put dry ingredients such as flour or sugar through a sifter or mesh screen to loosen particles and incorporate air.
To simmer: To keep a liquid just below boiling point, usually in a pan on the hob, e.g. simmer the sauce until it starts to thicken.
To skim: To remove a layer of scum or fat from the surface of a food.
To slice: To cut something into even-sized thin pieces using a sharp knife or food processor, eg slice the carrots.
To soak: To immerse a solid in a liquid.
To sprinkle: scatter a powdered ingredient or tiny droplets of a liquid, eg sprinkle the caster sugar over the fruit or sprinkle the brandy over the fruit cake.
To steam: To cook food in the steam rising from boiling water.
To stir: To agitate an ingredient or a number of ingredients using a hand held tool such as a spoon.
To strain: To pass wet ingredients through a sieve to remove lumps or pieces of food, eg strain the stock to remove any small pieces of meat or flavourings.
To toast: In this case you place the oatmeal in a hot frying pan (no oil or fat) and stir until they are a nutty brown.
To whisk: To beat a mixture vigorously with a whisk.
To wrap - To encase one food in another. For example: "Wrap the bacon strips around the chicken breasts."
Zest: Sometimes known as peel or rind, the coloured outer layer of citrus rind eg lemon, orange or lime, that contains the essential oil that gives the fruit its distinctive flavour. A small amount of zest gives a strong characteristic flavour of the fruit..
Other terms that crop up in the recipes
Beaten: Ingredients or an ingredient that has been agitated vigorously using a spoon, whisk, electric mixer or fork
Hard crack stage: A term used in connection with making sweets to determine the temperature of a sugar and water syrup.
tsp: Teaspoon (approx 5 ml)
tbsp: Tablespoon (approx 15 ml)
Tai dar netukiu ko pasakoti 4u.gif nuo siandien startuoju.
Mokiausiu anglu kalbos universitete pries 3 metus, tai siek tiek jau primirsau blush2.gif