
Mineralinė pudra

QUOTE(Morepink @ 2008 02 21, 22:41)
Maniskis irgi su kvapu, bet nera toks baisiai intensyvus biggrin.gif

geriau tegu oziu kvepia, negu lydita plastmase arba dar kokia chemija lotuliukas.gif
QUOTE(DODA @ 2008 02 22, 08:15)

Tai as matyt busiu praziopsojusi kazkur apie tuos seselius, nes tema tik perverciau paskubom, bet tikrai akis neuzkliuvo, kad butu kazkur rasyta apie juos. DODA, o gal cia senoje temoje apie mineralke tavo nuomone isdestyta? g.gif Man tiesiog idomu, ar BE seseliai toks pat "stebuklas" kaip ir pudra, ar jie kazkuo pranasesni uz kitus seselius biggrin.gif.
QUOTE(minik @ 2008 02 22, 13:07)
Tai as matyt busiu praziopsojusi kazkur apie tuos seselius, nes tema tik perverciau paskubom, bet tikrai akis neuzkliuvo, kad butu kazkur rasyta apie juos. DODA, o gal cia senoje temoje apie mineralke tavo nuomone isdestyta? g.gif Man tiesiog idomu, ar BE seseliai toks pat "stebuklas" kaip ir pudra, ar jie kazkuo pranasesni uz kitus seselius  biggrin.gif.

rase tikrai ne senoj temoj.. o kiek prisimenu tai rase, kad seseliai net fainesni pasirode nei pudra, na kazka panasaus smile.gif
stai ka radau smile.gif

QUOTE(DODA @ 2008 02 20, 21:06)
šešėlių tai tikrai užsimanysi  mirksiukas.gif  Fainuoliai jie  wub.gif

QUOTE(DODA @ 2008 02 20, 22:04)
jei tai teisybę pasakius, tai... mineraliniai šešėliai man labiau patinka nei pudra flirt.gif
Nzn ar galima lyginti tuos du dalykus, bet jei lyginti poveikį...šešėliai laaabai gerai laiko visą dieną...spalvytės žaižaruojančios  bigsmile.gif  vienžo - good.gif

Nesuprantu kas per daiktas toji minima pudra ir kur jos galima pirkti? Kiek suprantu - tik internetu?
O kuo ji skiriasi nuo krempudros? Gal kas atsakys? bigsmile.gif Ačiū už kantrybę.
QUOTE(Dindilin @ 2008 02 22, 15:02)
Nesuprantu kas per daiktas toji minima pudra ir kur jos galima pirkti? Kiek suprantu - tik internetu?
O kuo ji skiriasi nuo krempudros? Gal kas atsakys? bigsmile.gif Ačiū už kantrybę.

mineraline pudra - tai pudra is mineralu lotuliukas.gif ji yra biri, bet pasidengia tai panasiai kaip krempudra, ta prasme neblogai pamaskuoja ir pan.
mineralines pudros buna ivairiu firmu.. jei Bare Escentuals tai Lietuvoj jos nera, tai mes perkam internetu, LT yra Artdeco, Loreal, gal dar kokiu yra g.gif nezinau blush2.gif
as turiu Bare Escentuals, siunciausi is JAV.. man patinka smile.gif va jau visa savaite naudoju, tai liuks atrodo man ji smile.gif
QUOTE(DODA @ 2008 02 22, 15:06)
rolleyes.gif  visa tema apie tai prirašyta...netingėk paskaityt, rasi daug naudingos info ir atsakymus į visus klausimus  mirksiukas.gif

jau tuoj ir sia (jau antra tema cia) baigsim biggrin.gif
Šį pranešimą redagavo Palomina: 22 vasario 2008 - 14:09
Gavau rinkinuka. Nera tas medium beige - lab. tamsus. Man asmeniskai noretusi net tamsesnes spalvytes, todel uzsisakinesiu medium tan.
Is vieno pasitepliojimo mano pastebejimai butu tokie - si pudra labai graziai padengia oda, bet nemaskuoja poru. Bandysiu dar su mazu sepeteliu, bet jei nepades pries tai tepsiu kremine pudra. Nepatiko Veil'as. Tiesiog negrazu man su juo, dingsta svytejimas.. ir galbut man jis per sviesus.
Visumoi - esu patenkinta smile.gif
QUOTE(Dindilin @ 2008 02 22, 14:02)
Nesuprantu kas per daiktas toji minima pudra ir kur jos galima pirkti? Kiek suprantu - tik internetu?
O kuo ji skiriasi nuo krempudros? Gal kas atsakys? bigsmile.gif Ačiū už kantrybę.

As siunciausi per tarpininke is sephora.com :
Bet galima ir paciai, ir is kitur, ir pigiau mirksiukas.gif Man tiesiog pasirode is cia patikimiausia.
nu paskaičiau aš tą temą. Tai supratau tiek, kad kokia tai labai sveika, be talko ir gumos (parabeno), biri pudra, atseit iš mineralų. Tai bet mergos, Kristianoj gi irgi deklaruoja, kad jų sudėtyje nėra šių komponentų.
O internetu pirkti - tai kaip atitiaikyti spalvą? doh.gif Būna, kad perkant "gyvai" nepataikai, o čia nematant, tai kaip katę maiše.....
QUOTE(Dindilin @ 2008 02 22, 14:25)
nu paskaičiau aš tą temą. Tai supratau tiek, kad kokia tai labai sveika, be talko ir gumos (parabeno), biri pudra, atseit iš mineralų. Tai bet mergos, Kristianoj gi irgi deklaruoja, kad jų sudėtyje nėra šių komponentų.
O internetu pirkti - tai kaip atitiaikyti spalvą?  doh.gif Būna, kad perkant "gyvai" nepataikai, o čia nematant, tai kaip katę maiše.....

Nugi prisipažinkit, kuri rašėt, kad be talko ir gumos laugh.gif
QUOTE(Dindilin @ 2008 02 22, 14:25)
nu paskaičiau aš tą temą. Tai supratau tiek, kad kokia tai labai sveika, be talko ir gumos (parabeno), biri pudra, atseit iš mineralų. Tai bet mergos, Kristianoj gi irgi deklaruoja, kad jų sudėtyje nėra šių komponentų.
O internetu pirkti - tai kaip atitiaikyti spalvą?  doh.gif Būna, kad perkant "gyvai" nepataikai, o čia nematant, tai kaip katę maiše.....

Kieno sudėtyje?
aš tai svarstau gal tą nakčiai mineralkę nusipirkt g.gif nes dienai man tikrai nereik daikto kuris mėgsta riebalint, o va nakčiai irgi kuo gražesniai norisi būt nail.gif o dar jeigu odai teigiamą poveikį daro g.gif
QUOTE(Veila @ 2008 02 22, 14:48)
aš tai svarstau gal tą nakčiai mineralkę nusipirkt  g.gif  nes dienai man tikrai nereik daikto kuris mėgsta riebalint, o va nakčiai irgi kuo gražesniai norisi būt  nail.gif o dar jeigu odai teigiamą poveikį daro  g.gif

Pabalamūtinsiu biggrin.gif

RareMinerals Skin Revival Treatment
by Bare Escentuals

The list of claims for this product make it sound like Nirvana for the skin. For all intents and purposes the showcased ingredient in this product is, well, dirt. (Dirt is my term, Bare Escentuals uses the term “Jurassic, virgin soil,” but by any name, soil is just another term for dirt, although I have to agree soil does sounds less, well, dirty). I have to admit that seeing dirt advertised as skin care is a first!

RareMinerals Skin Revival Treatment is supposed to contain 72 organic “macro” and “micro” minerals. However, you won’t find 72 minerals listed on the ingredient label, just Organic Soil Mineral Concentrate—so you have to take their word that these 72 minerals are present in the “virgin” dirt. According to the company, this mixture, along with the other ingredients, will produce firmer, smoother, and brighter skin while at the same time prompting exfoliation and reducing pore size. Essentially, this is being sold as a one-size fits all “skin-care” product “feeding” skin with everything it needs to look its best and function optimally. That part is definitely a stretch because, first and foremost, this powder-based product isn’t moisturizing in the least (minerals aren’t moisturizing, if anything they absorb oil), nor does it provide sun protection. Its mica base is there for the shine, and while other absorbent minerals are included they also prevent the skin-identical ingredients in the product from having much, if any, benefit for skin. Actually, the formula isn’t too far removed from the original bareMinerals Foundation SPF 15. Both are loose powders that go on smoothly and impart a radiant glow to skin, the latter the result of those shiny particles of mica.

RareMinerals Skin Revival Treatment comes in four shades, including a Clear option that still imparts some color, and most of them provide enough coverage to camouflage minor flaws and redness, so you will perceive that your skin looks better. The recommendation to wear this at night is just shocking to me. Be forewarned that sleeping with this product on your face will result in makeup stains on your pillowcase, and that leaving this stuff on overnight would most likely be drying and irritating. Minerals on the skin, even plain talc or chalk or soil of any kind, aren’t soothing in the least, and need to be washed off, not worn to bed, and this product is no exception.
Getting back to the mineral claims, is there anything to them? Does this “pure mineral concentrate” hold the secret to revitalized, youthful skin? Regardless of the purity of the soil, minerals cannot be absorbed by skin (their molecules are just too big), so any effect would be entirely superficial. Moreover, while there hasn’t been much research on topical application of minerals, we do know that whether they are applied topically or ingested, minerals depend on other factors (most notably coenzymes) to work, and even when that happens the benefits aren’t all that exciting (Sources: Cosmeceuticals, Elsner & Maiback, 2000, pages 29–30; and International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 1997, page 105). There is no substantiated research proving that minerals, whether concentrated or not, exfoliate skin or have any effect on pore size. Any perceived reduction in pore size from using this product is solely from its reflective quality and natural opacity, the same as any other powder foundation. It can work to temporarily fill in large pores, but when it’s washed off any potential benefit is washed away at the same time.

You may be wondering about the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in this product. According to the chemists I spoke with, ascorbic acid tends to remain stable in an anhydrous (waterless) product, which this powder certainly qualifies as. How much of the vitamin C reaches the skin is a question, however, along with whether RareMinerals uses an effective amount.
The bottom line is that although RareMinerals may be unique in terms of its extraction process and its use of virgin soil, those elements won’t translate into skin care. It’s just another form of powder, and a rather expensive one at that.
subalamūtinai, blem dry.gif
