padaryti tyrimai parode kokio sudejimo moteru yra daugiausia:
smelio laikrodziu - 8,40%
kriausiu - 20,92%
obuoliu - 13,83%
bananu - 46,12%
Mano figura tokia kad reikia slepti pilvuka bet tuo paciu butina neslepti liemens, nes priesingu atveju iskart plius keli kg. Ieskojau internete patarimu, radau siokiu tokiu (kaip suderinti su liemens isryskinimu dar kol kas neradau), tai dalinuosi gal kam pades. Neverciu, nes man su anglu kalba ne per geriausiai:
1. Wear the right cuts
The right cuts should be full and straight, with no gathering around the stomach. You should feel comfortable in your clothes to ooze self-confidence. Choose clothes with a trapeze shape that enhances your chest without clinging to your stomach, and widens where your curves are. Wear low-cut tops to attract attention away from your stomach. In profile, people will see the shape of your chest rather than the shape of your stomach.
2. Wear the right colours
Choose dark colours such as black, grey, khaki, dusky red, taupe and even navy blue. Dark colours reduce volume, but wear ones that suit you. Keeo your tones even and never wear more than 3 colours so you don't overload your figure.
3. The right materials
Flowing. Create a vertical effect to lengthen your figure, whether you have round hips or a big bust.
The right accessories
- Stomach-flattening tights
In winter these can work wonders! Stomach-flattening tights come in all colours and range from very thin to opaque. They support and pull in tums and are ideal under skirts or shorts. You can even wear light-coloured ones for spring.
- Belts
These make your waist look smaller and conceal any trace of a stomach. Wear a large leather belt in a dark colour over your skirts, dresses or even a trench, or wear a loose belt that rests on your hips.
- Bomber jackets
They're too short, so the bottom of the jacket may not cover your stomach. Short denim or leather jackets don't lengthen the bust. Also avoid wearing perfecto jackets and jackets with lots of buttons and zips which look thick.
- Short jackets
The same applies. Always opt for long jackets. Suit jackets need to fall part-way down your bum. They often look better open rather than buttoned up.
- Big prints
Big prints are too much of a statement, so avoid loud colours and prints around your stomach or bottom - they'll draw attention. And slogan tees are a no-no as well.
- Layering
Skirts over trousers are difficult to pull off, and draw attention to your middle. Layering does nothing but add volume and isn't very feminine.
Go for:
- Long waistcoats
These hide big hips, round buttocks and tums when they fall just below the bum. Simply cut V neck waistcoats lengthen the figure. Wear with jeans and heels to avoid looking like your gran.
- Baby doll dresses
Trapeze shapes are perfect at hiding stomachs. They're cute, short and wide round the middle, so they slim the legs. Wear with flats, cowboy boots or heeled boots. If your hips are a little wide, wear over jeans.
- Full skirts
Full skirts that widen at the stomach are comfy. Choose one in a flowing fabric such as linen or silk. Be careful with the length: if youre short, go for a skirt that falls just above your knees. Wear a simple cotton tee on your top half (nothing too tight, but nothing too big either - you don't want to look like a bag lady).
- Tunics
Hippy chic and fashionable tunics are fine in coloured prints, as long as you choose good fabric. Avoid synthetic fabrics which can lose their shape and often shrink when you wash them. Wear with jeans or linen trousers in summer for a casual look.
Also try:
- Straight jackets
These are fab if you have a bit of a tum: they structure and lengthen the figure. Even buttoned up, they don't make you look big. However, don't go too long if you're short. Accessorise with a pretty brooch at the collar.
- High waist jeans
These enhance your shape and especially your bum. Make sure they fit (if they're too small they'll make you look podgy). Go for zips rather than visible buttons. The pockets should be small and the bottom not too flared (unless you have long, thin legs).
- Straight pencil skirts
Ultra feminine pencil skirts suit everyone, drawing attention to the hips rather than the stomach. Wear with a light blouse or a little short sleeved jumper and heels for that extra half an inch!
saltinis http://www.sofeminin...ach-f11357.html
Kas man pasirode idomu kad nerekomenduoja sluoksniavimo, neveltui as jo niekada nemegau.
O dirzai... Tos kurios turit panasia figura, kaip jums atrodo, dirzas tikrai gera iseitis?
1. Wear the right cuts
The right cuts should be full and straight, with no gathering around the stomach. You should feel comfortable in your clothes to ooze self-confidence. Choose clothes with a trapeze shape that enhances your chest without clinging to your stomach, and widens where your curves are. Wear low-cut tops to attract attention away from your stomach. In profile, people will see the shape of your chest rather than the shape of your stomach.
2. Wear the right colours
Choose dark colours such as black, grey, khaki, dusky red, taupe and even navy blue. Dark colours reduce volume, but wear ones that suit you. Keeo your tones even and never wear more than 3 colours so you don't overload your figure.
3. The right materials
Flowing. Create a vertical effect to lengthen your figure, whether you have round hips or a big bust.
The right accessories
- Stomach-flattening tights
In winter these can work wonders! Stomach-flattening tights come in all colours and range from very thin to opaque. They support and pull in tums and are ideal under skirts or shorts. You can even wear light-coloured ones for spring.
- Belts
These make your waist look smaller and conceal any trace of a stomach. Wear a large leather belt in a dark colour over your skirts, dresses or even a trench, or wear a loose belt that rests on your hips.
- Bomber jackets
They're too short, so the bottom of the jacket may not cover your stomach. Short denim or leather jackets don't lengthen the bust. Also avoid wearing perfecto jackets and jackets with lots of buttons and zips which look thick.
- Short jackets
The same applies. Always opt for long jackets. Suit jackets need to fall part-way down your bum. They often look better open rather than buttoned up.
- Big prints
Big prints are too much of a statement, so avoid loud colours and prints around your stomach or bottom - they'll draw attention. And slogan tees are a no-no as well.
- Layering
Skirts over trousers are difficult to pull off, and draw attention to your middle. Layering does nothing but add volume and isn't very feminine.
Go for:
- Long waistcoats
These hide big hips, round buttocks and tums when they fall just below the bum. Simply cut V neck waistcoats lengthen the figure. Wear with jeans and heels to avoid looking like your gran.
- Baby doll dresses
Trapeze shapes are perfect at hiding stomachs. They're cute, short and wide round the middle, so they slim the legs. Wear with flats, cowboy boots or heeled boots. If your hips are a little wide, wear over jeans.
- Full skirts
Full skirts that widen at the stomach are comfy. Choose one in a flowing fabric such as linen or silk. Be careful with the length: if youre short, go for a skirt that falls just above your knees. Wear a simple cotton tee on your top half (nothing too tight, but nothing too big either - you don't want to look like a bag lady).
- Tunics
Hippy chic and fashionable tunics are fine in coloured prints, as long as you choose good fabric. Avoid synthetic fabrics which can lose their shape and often shrink when you wash them. Wear with jeans or linen trousers in summer for a casual look.
Also try:
- Straight jackets
These are fab if you have a bit of a tum: they structure and lengthen the figure. Even buttoned up, they don't make you look big. However, don't go too long if you're short. Accessorise with a pretty brooch at the collar.
- High waist jeans
These enhance your shape and especially your bum. Make sure they fit (if they're too small they'll make you look podgy). Go for zips rather than visible buttons. The pockets should be small and the bottom not too flared (unless you have long, thin legs).
- Straight pencil skirts
Ultra feminine pencil skirts suit everyone, drawing attention to the hips rather than the stomach. Wear with a light blouse or a little short sleeved jumper and heels for that extra half an inch!
saltinis http://www.sofeminin...ach-f11357.html
Kas man pasirode idomu kad nerekomenduoja sluoksniavimo, neveltui as jo niekada nemegau.
O dirzai... Tos kurios turit panasia figura, kaip jums atrodo, dirzas tikrai gera iseitis?
QUOTE(Hiver @ 2013 04 04, 11:08)
Mano figura tokia kad reikia slepti pilvuka bet tuo paciu butina neslepti liemens, nes priesingu atveju iskart plius keli kg. Ieskojau internete patarimu, radau siokiu tokiu (kaip suderinti su liemens isryskinimu dar kol kas neradau), tai dalinuosi gal kam pades. Neverciu, nes man su anglu kalba ne per geriausiai:
Kas man pasirode idomu kad nerekomenduoja sluoksniavimo, neveltui as jo niekada nemegau.
O dirzai... Tos kurios turit panasia figura, kaip jums atrodo, dirzas tikrai gera iseitis?
Kas man pasirode idomu kad nerekomenduoja sluoksniavimo, neveltui as jo niekada nemegau.
O dirzai... Tos kurios turit panasia figura, kaip jums atrodo, dirzas tikrai gera iseitis?
Dėl diržo net ir nežinau Aš jų visai nesugebu nešiot. Nebent kelnėse Ant suknelių būna užsidedu ir ilgai neiškenus jau nusiimu Toks jausmas, kad mane tie diržiukai bais varžo.
Aš tai šiandien suknelę pas siuvėją užsiprašiau Kaip ir nieko ypatinga -tiesi, kukli, bet aš panašią ir buvau sugalvojus, o man siuvėja pati sudiktavo bepiešdama...pažiūrėsim kas gausis
QUOTE(inc @ 2013 04 04, 11:13)
Dėl diržo net ir nežinau Aš jų visai nesugebu nešiot. Nebent kelnėse Ant suknelių būna užsidedu ir ilgai neiškenus jau nusiimu Toks jausmas, kad mane tie diržiukai bais varžo.
Aš tai šiandien suknelę pas siuvėją užsiprašiau Kaip ir nieko ypatinga -tiesi, kukli, bet aš panašią ir buvau sugalvojus, o man siuvėja pati sudiktavo bepiešdama...pažiūrėsim kas gausis
Aš tai šiandien suknelę pas siuvėją užsiprašiau Kaip ir nieko ypatinga -tiesi, kukli, bet aš panašią ir buvau sugalvojus, o man siuvėja pati sudiktavo bepiešdama...pažiūrėsim kas gausis
Oi man su suknelem tai visai prastai. Su vasarinem dar paprasciau, jos ten visokios margos, placios tai lengviau po jom paslept ko nereikia. O taip noreciau kokia elegantiska minimalistine saltam sezonui turet. Bet rasti tokia kad man tiktu - svajuko dramblione... Gal tikrai ir man reikia ieskot siuvejos?
O del dirzo tai va irgi galvoju, jau ir taip tas pilvas pupso, o salio jo dar kazkoki akcenta deti Nu jo, liemeni gal paryskina bet ir pilva paryskina
QUOTE(Hiver @ 2013 04 04, 11:21)
Oi man su suknelem tai visai prastai. Su vasarinem dar paprasciau, jos ten visokios margos, placios tai lengviau po jom paslept ko nereikia. O taip noreciau kokia elegantiska minimalistine saltam sezonui turet. Bet rasti tokia kad man tiktu - svajuko dramblione... Gal tikrai ir man reikia ieskot siuvejos?
O del dirzo tai va irgi galvoju, jau ir taip tas pilvas pupso, o salio jo dar kazkoki akcenta deti Nu jo, liemeni gal paryskina bet ir pilva paryskina
O del dirzo tai va irgi galvoju, jau ir taip tas pilvas pupso, o salio jo dar kazkoki akcenta deti Nu jo, liemeni gal paryskina bet ir pilva paryskina
Kad visokių rinkelių mažiau matyti būtų, tai ėmiau kiek tvirtesnę medžiagą. Ta siuvėja pas mus tik iš trikotažo siuva, tai bandė man zurst, kad tipo bus šilta ir t.t., bet aš nenusileidau ir nesirinkau plonesnio to trikotažo
bus maždaug kaip šita maniškė suknelė tik žalsva. Jei būsiu patenkinta rezultatu reiks kokių mandresnių susigalvot modelių ir vėl nupėdint.
Hiver, o jei tau kokių klostelių pasidaryti ant pilviuko, a?
Tarkim, kaip čia ką panašaus?
Tarkim, kaip čia ką panašaus?
[QUOTE] Kad visokių rinkelių mažiau matyti būtų, tai ėmiau kiek tvirtesnę medžiagą. Ta siuvėja pas mus tik iš trikotažo siuva, tai bandė man zurst, kad tipo bus šilta ir t.t., bet aš nenusileidau ir nesirinkau plonesnio to trikotažo lotuliukas.gif
bus maždaug kaip šita maniškė suknelė tik žalsva. Jei būsiu patenkinta rezultatu reiks kokių mandresnių susigalvot modelių ir vėl nupėdint. [QUOTE]
o jums patinka kaip si suknele aptraukia klubus ir sudaro tokias "bangas"
mano tokia pat figura, as sitokio vaizdelio vengiu
bus maždaug kaip šita maniškė suknelė tik žalsva. Jei būsiu patenkinta rezultatu reiks kokių mandresnių susigalvot modelių ir vėl nupėdint. [QUOTE]
o jums patinka kaip si suknele aptraukia klubus ir sudaro tokias "bangas"
mano tokia pat figura, as sitokio vaizdelio vengiu
QUOTE(rytojryta @ 2013 04 04, 16:20)
o jums patinka kaip si suknele aptraukia klubus ir sudaro tokias "bangas"
mano tokia pat figura, as sitokio vaizdelio vengiu
mano tokia pat figura, as sitokio vaizdelio vengiu
nepatinka nepatinka bet aš kiek ilgesnį švarkelį parinkau tai suknelei ir liuks. šita fotkė nebuvo "parodinė", o daugiau sesėms kritikai dėl spalvų
QUOTE(inc @ 2013 04 04, 11:41)
Kad visokių rinkelių mažiau matyti būtų, tai ėmiau kiek tvirtesnę medžiagą. Ta siuvėja pas mus tik iš trikotažo siuva, tai bandė man zurst, kad tipo bus šilta ir t.t., bet aš nenusileidau ir nesirinkau plonesnio to trikotažo
Labai geras pasirinkimas, taip , butent tokios is standesnes medziagos geriausiai pasiteisina. As turiu toki sarafana i kuri dabar nelabai beilendu, bet jo labai geras modelis, jis toks pusiau trepecinis bet aptempia ir klubus ir krutine, o ties liemeniu graziai pasiliemenuoja, iskart pora kg man nuima. Va kazka panasaus radus...
QUOTE(inc @ 2013 04 04, 12:18)
Hiver, o jei tau kokių klostelių pasidaryti ant pilviuko, a?
Tarkim, kaip čia ką panašaus?
Tarkim, kaip čia ką panašaus?
Taip , inc, as irgi galvoju kad tokios klosteles gera iseitis, vis matau internete tokiu sukneliu, tik pas mus parduotubese labai nesimato, nebent siuveja gera radus... Viena buvau radus sia vasara, nu tikrai graziai tiko modelis, labai panasus i tavo ideta sita tamsiai ruda. Ji buvo trumpom rankovem sintetine trikotazine. Tai man vasara su ja butu karsta, ziema salta, ir nepirkau... Bet vis ji man akyse stovi.
QUOTE(Vaanile @ 2014 03 09, 22:46)
Merginos ką rengtis jeigu mano liemuo platus, ir aukštai klubai, klubinga esu, pagal figūrą lyg smėlio laikrodis (pilnesnis variantas),bet tas liemuo platus neprimena smėlio laikrodžio.... gal kuri turi tokią figūrą???
Ziurint kaip mes isivertinsim kad primintu, jeigu realu stiklini smelio laikrodi tai gal tik kokia Dita Von Teese gali ji priminti.
O ka skaiciuokle rodo? Ar yra -25 cm tarp liemens ir klubu, krutines? Nes ne liemens apimtis nusako ar esat smelio laikrodis, o butent santykis tarp liemens, klubu ir krutines.