QUOTE(Rituska @ 2007 04 17, 13:14)
vaikas patiria stresa daug daziniau negu mes galim isivaizduot, gimimas jau didziulis stresas, o prie ko cia antibiotikai?
nu lauksiu nuorodu apie 6-valentes vakcinas
Can so many vaccines, given so early in life, overwhelm a childs immune system, suppressing it so it does not function correctly?
There is no evidence to suggest that the recommended childhood vaccines can "overload" the immune system.
Nu lyg tycia neatkapstau apie tas 6-valentes ka tiksliai norejau pasakyt
kai mano vaikas gime US buvo labai placiai reklamuojama naujoji penkiavalente, ta proga ir skaiciau nemazai straipsniu
ir kalbu apie vakcinu neefektyvuma. Pvz, straipsniai kaip kai kurios vakcinos smarkiai viena su kita interferuoja:
ciadar vienas
Multivalenciu vakcinu modelis ant peliu
O kas del imunines sistemos perkrovimo, tai atsiradus sesiavalentems vakcinoms staiga pradejo mirti nemazai kudikiu, sukeldami mokslininku susidomejima.
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.
News of the Day ... In Perspective
Sudden infant death after hexavalent vaccine
Hexavalent vaccines, designed to improve vaccine acceptance by decreasing the number of injections, have been available in Europe as Hexavac and Infanrix Hexa since October 2000. They contain antigens for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, influenza, poliomyelitis, and hepatitis B immunization.
Six children who died unexpectedly one to two days after immunization with this product were autopsied at the Munich Institute of Legal Medicine. Findings included cerebral edema, a defective blood-brain barrier, and lymphocytic infiltration.
The rate of sudden unexplained infant death during the one-day period post vaccination was calculated to be 500 percent of the expected rate.
No cause-effect relationship could be proved. However, authors of the report concluded that: If broad use of hexavalent vaccine continues, extensive studies are most likely required to assess or exclude a relationship between vaccination and death in infants (Zinka B et al., preprint from Vaccine, available at www.sciencedirect.com).
cia vienas is straipsniuku.
Zodziu, jei multivalentes vakcinos butu toks geris,- taigi suvarytu viska i naujagimi ishkart ir tiek bedos,- pigu, saugu ir greita,- kam cia tampytis kas kelis menesius
QUOTE(delfinas @ 2007 04 17, 18:14)
O tai keliavalentė vakcina šiuo metu jau pati tokia keliavalentiškiausia?
Maniau, kad jau šešiavalentė tai jau kaip ir riba
. Nespėsim ir apsidairyti, o ateis laikai, kai visas (plius gerą krūvą naujų
) sumes į vieną katilą mūsų kūdikėliams
tai kad su ta seshiavalente nemazhai nemaloniu mirciu nutiko, tai nezinia kaip cia bus
kol kas,man rodos, jas tik kaip 'booster'ius' jau skiepytiem vaikam naudoja. O penkiavalentes laikomos saugiom