
Mokomės fotografuoti

QUOTE(Uzuolaida* @ 2007 05 09, 21:43)
The matrix will be out of focus and the picture will become blurry and unclear. You would need to increase the focal length (which is not possible with a single lens, but quite possible with a Zoom lens that has multiple of them) But there would be a practical problem: Since the camera is now "open" too much light will enter from the side so your picture will be "white" anyway  doh.gif

Lietuviskai galiu klaust, ar angliskai geriau? smile.gif
QUOTE(sillwio @ 2007 05 09, 22:46)
Lietuviskai galiu klaust, ar angliskai geriau? smile.gif

angliskai smile.gif
QUOTE(Uzuolaida* @ 2007 05 09, 21:51)

Let's talk about fixed 50 mm lens. Why the picture will become blurry when i move the lens (I would like to skip practical problems now. I would like to understand the principle)? If I've moved the lens didn't I increased the focal length in accordance with the previous theory?
QUOTE(dejavu @ 2007 05 09, 22:00)
Kadangi jau lyg baigėte ginčytis tema, kurios aš nelabai suprantu, parodysiu savo pirmąjį bandymą su hdr:
nuotrauka ne kokia, galite nevertinti, rodau rezultatus.
Taigi turėjau va tokis dvi foto
Pirmoji peršviesta - matosi šešėlyje esantys augalai, bet pastatas visiškai išdegęs

user posted image

Antroji per tamsi, augalai juodulys, na pastatas matosi.

user posted image

Pirmuoju atveju fokusavau į augalus, antruoju į pastatą (berods).

Po 2 min. pasižaidimo su PhotoImpact rezultatas gavosi va toks:
user posted image
Principas kaip dirbtis lyg aiškus. va dabar supratau kam fotoaparate galima pritaikyti funkciją kur daro 3 kadrus - šviesų, vidutinį ir tamsų.

man nerodo nuotrauku verysad.gif
Dejavu, ir as nematau tavo foto 4u.gif

wow kokios diskusijos angliskai lotuliukas.gif I can not understand a word lotuliukas.gif
Nu pabandziau ir as pagauti saule, bet kazkaip kas liecia technine puse tai as nelabai ka suprantu 4u.gif
Ka man daryti kad dangus aplink saule atrodytu normaliai, nes dabar kazkoks... blogas smile.gif

user posted image
PS. As irgi nematau Dejavu nuotrauku
The 50mm is a property of the lens. It doesn t change whatever way you move it. The 50mm are defined via the way parallel light behaves that comes from an infinite distance. Obviously no real world object (like the face of my wife) would be like that. To focus on real world objects you always need more than the focal length.

If I focus in the face of my wife and lets say she is like 6 meters away I can not keep the matrix at 50mm, I need to move the "focal ares" - obviously I dont want to focus her face on a "point" - further away. (But I need to admit I had to draw a picture for myself now first to get it right in my head again blink.gif )

Dajavu, gerai pazaidei. Nors siuo atveju ne fotografas, o programa susisluoja laurus smile.gif O tie 3 kadrai yra vadinami breketingu (gali ir 5 daryti).
Kur ir uz kiek pirkai PhotoImpact?
QUOTE(Uzuolaida* @ 2007 05 09, 22:17)
The 50mm is a property of the lens. It doesn t change whatever way you move it. The 50mm are defined via the way parallel light behaves that comes from an infinite distance. Obviously no real world object (like the face of my wife) would be like that. To focus on real world objects you always need more than the focal length.

If I focus in the face of my wife and lets say she is like 6 meters away I can not keep the matrix at 50mm, I need to move the "focal ares" - obviously I dont want to focus her face on a "point" - further away. (But I need to admit I had to draw a picture for myself now first to get it right in my head again  blink.gif )

OK. What does the focus ring of the lens which actually moves a single lens or a lens group inside?
Šį pranešimą redagavo sillwio: 09 gegužės 2007 - 22:29
lotuliukas.gif gerai cia diskutuojat. Ir tarp kitko, kuo daugiau tokiu diskusiju tuo daugiau zinosime thumbup.gif

As jau manau supratau apie tuos milimetrus daug daugiau mirksiukas.gif
Tik manau jau pamirsau nuo ko cia viskas isirutuliavo lotuliukas.gif lotuliukas.gif lotuliukas.gif

Turiu pavyzdi su tom ipatybem lotuliukas.gif Supraskit kaip anikdota.

cool.gif Jai automobilis turi 185 Arklio galias, tai nesvarbu kokia priekaba
bekabintum prie jo, jis visvien betures 185 Arklio galias cool.gif

As cia is savo srities bandziau pritaikyti pavyzdzius biggrin.gif
Sillwio, turiu fotografija kurioje gavosi panasi
spalvu gama , kaip ir tavo miesto foto mirksiukas.gif

Tuoj sukrausiu i internetini albuma o tada imesiu mirksiukas.gif
Šį pranešimą redagavo roolys: 09 gegužės 2007 - 22:46
QUOTE(roolys @ 2007 05 09, 22:49)
Tik manau jau pamirsau nuo ko cia viskas isirutuliavo  lotuliukas.gif  lotuliukas.gif  lotuliukas.gif

ar tikrai? galim primint lotuliukas.gif
QUOTE(Uzuolaida* @ 2007 05 09, 20:25)
Roolys, medis grazus, nuotrauka - ne.

Gerai cia, tiesiai sviesiai, blink.gif Va stai tokie atsakymai labai paskatina stengtis smile.gif
QUOTE(wyshnia @ 2007 05 09, 22:52)
ar tikrai? galim primint lotuliukas.gif

Jai nesunku blush2.gif
Atleiskit, kad uzkisau eteri savo blevyzgom ax.gif Panasu, kad ruosdamas pamokas kazka pramiegojau blush2.gif