QUOTE(Jomke @ 2007 03 12, 20:10)
Nu va pagaliau jau ir as turiu sia programele

.Dabar reikes mokintis kaip su ja dirbti

Kelias dienas is eiles bandziau tai nepavyko man ten , o va uzvakar prieme ir parsisiunciau

Labai , labai aciu
Nu o su sita tai man nekas

Man tik 15 dienu dave
Reikes isinstaliuoti ir isnaujo pabandyti

Kazko ji nenori su manimi ilgiau draugauti
Unzip, unrar. Disable the network before installation
and don't enable it back before you'll activate the
program. Run our keygen and install using the serial
number from keygen. Don't close keygen. On the first
run you'll be prompted to activate software or start
with trial. Press "Aready purchased". Type (since Corel
guys forgot to use paste handler, you have to type it
by hands) serial once more, press "Phone", copy
installation ID (w/o dashes!) to the keygen and
generate activation code. Type (again, by hands!)
activation code into activation dialog, and activate
the program. Voila!
kai suinstaliuoji atsidarai programą ir
Press "Aready purchased". Type (since Corel
guys forgot to use paste handler, you have to type it
by hands) serial once more, press "Phone", copy
installation ID (w/o dashes!) to the keygen and
generate activation code. Type (again, by hands!)
activation code into activation dialog, and activate
the program. Voila!
turi būt išjungtas internetas