
Marokas - ar kas keliavote?

QUOTE(Medinis @ 2008 09 24, 09:55)
Šios dienos laikraštyje "15 min" yra straipsnis apie merginos nuotykius Maroke. Ją apvogė, dingo pinigai ir dokumentai. Po to aprašoma epopėja kaip ji bandė gauti kažkokius dokumentus, kad grįžti į Lietuvą. Lietuvos ambasados Maroke nėra, artimiausia yra Prancūzijoje. Ji vaikščiojo į visų šalių ambasadas ir ją iš visur išvijo. Galų gale padėjo čekai. Tačiau komentaras parašytas toks, kad teoriškai praradus dokumentus galima kreiptis į bet kurią Europos Sąjungops šalies ambasadą ir ji turi susiekti su Prancuzijoje esančia Lietuvos ambasada ir padėti gauti laikinus dokumentus.
Kai pats vykau man šis klausimas buvo neaiškus, gal kam nors pravers (neduok dieve).

Nuo Mastrichto sutarties ES atsirado ES pilietybė, kuri yra papildanti valstybių narių pilietybę. Ir viena iš ES piliečio teisių yra diplomatinė ir konsulinė apsauga ir pagalba ne ES šalyse, jeigu toje konkrečioje šalyje nėra LT ambasados, konsulato, garbės konsulo ar kitos šalies atstovynės, kuri pagal specialų susitarimą atstovautų ir LT piliečiams. Nežinau, kaip yra Maroke, bet jei jame tenkinamos visos šios sąlygos, tai jokia ES narės atstovybė neturėjo teisės nepadėti tai merginai. Aišku, jei ji iš pradžių kreipėsi į kokius norvegus, šveicarus, rusus ar kitas ES nepriklasuančias atstovybes, tai niekam jau čia nepasiskųsi, kad nepadėjo..

Taip kad reikia tik susižnoti kokios ES narės atstovybės kontaktus Maroke ir drąsiai ten reikšti savo teises, jei prireiks 4u.gif
QUOTE(androhidra @ 2008 09 24, 12:37)
Taip kad reikia tik susižnoti kokios ES narės atstovybės kontaktus Maroke ir drąsiai ten reikšti savo teises, jei prireiks  4u.gif

7 puslapis.
Jau namie po dvieju savaiciu keliones Maroke. Aciu visiems uz patarimus.
Keliavome marsrutu Marrakesh-Sati Fatma-Marrakesh-Ouarzazate-Draa slenis-Zagora-Merzouga-Todra ir Dades sleniai-Ouarzazate-Marrakesh-Essaouira-Casablanca-Meknes-Moulay Idriss-Voloubilis-Meknes-Chefchouen-Fes.
Patiko, bet nepribloske, lukesciu nepranoko. Gal per daug puikiu pasakojimu prisiskaiciau ir per daug tikejausi... Siaip fainai pakeliauti, gerai praleisti laika, skaniai pavalgyti smile.gif, aisku, viskas labai pigu. Zodziu, buvo smagu, idomu, salyginai egzotiska... bet antra karta nevaziuociau, atsibodo nesibaigiantys turgūs... Nebent vaikui paaugus kokiom 5 dienom butu fainai palekti iki Marrakesho, Essaouiros... Noreciau pasiimti vienos dienos Cooking kursus Marakeshe apie kuriuos raso LP, nes maistas tai tikrai skanus smile.gif Dabar savaitgaliais gaminame Tajinus, super smile.gif

QUOTE(Almera @ 2008 10 28, 15:19)
Jau namie po dvieju savaiciu keliones Maroke.  Noreciau pasiimti vienos dienos Cooking kursus Marakeshe apie kuriuos raso LP, nes maistas tai tikrai skanus smile.gif Dabar savaitgaliais gaminame Tajinus, super smile.gif

Ar patiko Chevshoenas? As prisiskaiciau SM, prisiziurejau nuotrauku, tai ir draugui isreklamavau, kuris darbar vaziuoja i Maroka cool.gif
Ir gal gali pasidalinti Tajinu receptukais? rolleyes.gif ax.gif
QUOTE(Almera @ 2008 10 28, 16:19)
Jau namie po dvieju savaiciu keliones Maroke.

Tai kiek gi kainavo taksi iš oro uosto iki El Fna Marakeshe? biggrin.gif
Nėra jau ten taip baisiai pigu... Viskas priklauso nuo poreikių. Jei norės žmogus tokio komforto kaip europoje, tai ir mokės tiek, kiek europoje.
QUOTE(Ajuni @ 2008 10 28, 19:19)
Ar patiko Chevshoenas? As prisiskaiciau SM, prisiziurejau nuotrauku, tai ir draugui isreklamavau, kuris darbar vaziuoja i Maroka  cool.gif

Jei draugas - žolės megėjas, tai patiks biggrin.gif O šiaip - mažytis miesteliūkštis kalnuose. Ten gal savaitę praleisti reikia žolę rūkant, tuomet gal koks nušvitimas aplankys. O jei vienai dienai užvažiuot, tai skurdas ir neviltis biggrin.gif
QUOTE(Medinis @ 2008 10 29, 02:41)
Jei draugas - žolės megėjas, tai patiks biggrin.gif O šiaip - mažytis miesteliūkštis kalnuose. Ten gal savaitę praleisti reikia žolę rūkant, tuomet gal koks nušvitimas aplankys. O jei vienai dienai užvažiuot, tai skurdas ir neviltis biggrin.gif

man asmeniškai Chevchoenas viena mieliausių vietų Maroke. Ramu, fotogeniška, tos mėlynos gatvelės.... Įdomi publika labai, tas kalnas irgi wub.gif Norėčiau sugrįžti dar kartą. Kaip beje ir į Esaverą.....
Medini, deja, is aerouosto vaziavome su autobusu, kaip tu pats... 20 dh zmogui kainavo.
Chefschuenas patiko, praleidom ten pusantros dienos. Nebutina ten zole rukyti, nors, aisku, visi ten ta daro. Siaip fainai pasivaikscioti, melyna, idomu. Bet antra diena atsibodo... tas pats per ta pati. Nelabai buvo kas viekti. Bet ten yra neblogas restoranelis, Al Kasbah, berods, salia centrines aikstes. Jauki aplinka, sedi tokioj nisoj ir stebi gatvele einancius zmones... Maistas skanus, ten atradau toki patiekala PASTILLA, apie kuria anksciau nebuvau girdejusi, skanumelis... Tai tokie spec. pastillos lakstai, kazkas panasaus i sluoksniuota tesla, tik labai ploni. Ieskojau pirkti, bet neradau, norejau parsivesti. Tai dazniausiai vistiena su darzovem, su kazkuo sumaisyta, lyg tai kiausiniu ir visa ta mase iskepta tarp pastillos lakstu, apibarsyti cukraus pudra ir cinamonu. Veliau, tik pastilla ir stengiausi valgyti, nes tajinai buvo pabode. Kuskusa valgiau tik karta, nesinorejo daugiau tu miltu...
Del receptu, tai atsiveziau pora knygeliu, viena angliskai, kita prancuziskai, bet reikia sviesti, skanuoti, siaip internete receptu pilna...
QUOTE(jadzka @ 2008 10 29, 09:24)
man asmeniškai Chevchoenas viena mieliausių vietų Maroke. Ramu, fotogeniška, tos mėlynos gatvelės.... Įdomi publika labai, tas kalnas irgi  wub.gif  Norėčiau sugrįžti dar kartą. Kaip beje ir į Esaverą.....

Mhm... Lipau aš į tą kalną... Tris kartus iškeičiau paprastą cigaretę į kifą. O po to landžiojau su kažkokiais vaikėzais po tuos griuvėsius... Labai norėjau užeiti į namus, kurie yra pusiauskelėje prie griuvėsiu, bet niekas nepakvietė, o pats nesirįžau pasiprašyt.
QUOTE(Medinis @ 2008 10 30, 01:33)
Mhm... Lipau aš į tą kalną... Tris kartus iškeičiau paprastą cigaretę į kifą. O po to landžiojau su kažkokiais vaikėzais po tuos griuvėsius... Labai norėjau užeiti į namus, kurie yra pusiauskelėje prie griuvėsiu, bet niekas nepakvietė, o pats nesirįžau pasiprašyt.

ir teisingai padarei, pasak LP, tie gyventojai pusiaukeleje, ypac moterys, labai nemegsta pro pat ju namus vaiksciojanciu turistu...
Šį pranešimą redagavo Almera: 30 spalio 2008 - 07:58
Turiu keleta klausimu del Maroko.
1. Ar galioja senosios teises?
2. Ka geriau veztis: dolerius ar eurus?

1. Manau, kad galiotu, kai nuomavomes masina, dokumentu info nurasymas vyko labai greitai ir sklandziai (nors as veziausi naujasias).
2. As veziausi eurus - kainas siulo kartais savo valiuta (Dirhan), kartais eurais. Doleriais negirdejau.

Keletas patarimu ir ispudziu is Maroko. Kadangi si teksta rasiau porelei draugu kalbanciu angliskai, lietuviskai neturiu, o versti tingiu tongue.gif Cia daugiau rasite parasyta apie tai, ko reiketu saugotis ir atsiminti, t.y. sudetingoji keliones dalis. Trumpai sakant, Marokas - tiems, kas nori patirti nuotykiu, o ne romantiskai pailseti smile.gif Zinoma, romantikos ir ramaus poilsio noredami galbut rasite, bet tam reikes issinuomoti masina ir palekti toleliau nuo turistines aplinkos. Patarimai sudelioti chaotiskai, ka pirma atsiminiau, ta ir rasiau smile.gif

- Welcome to the crazy country!! :]

- Palma Quad (in Essaouira city by the coast) is a great 4-wheel drive adventure. Great customer service, overtime, they make pictures and a CD for you, so no need to bring your camera to sandy dusty roads.

- LA SHUKRAN ("No Thank you") will be more than helpful. The english version doesn't work at all smile.gif You will have odd sellers coming up to you and offering to buy things.

- Always ask for the price BEFORE taking, putting on or letting them to put on an item on you (or a monkey, snake - this one isn't recommended). A picture with a monkey can cost you 200 Dhs (20 eur)!

- ALWAYS bargain hard. The prices given are at least 5 times higher than the real price of the item. Also, some things are 5 times cheaper in the airport than in the Medina souks (Old city market). For example, camel skin wallets, other accessories. It may take you up to 10 minutes to buy one thing as bargaining is in their blood.. Always stick with your price and just say you will buy it somewhere else for cheaper. Remember, that bargaining is a must in Marakesh.


1. All items in the market, also pictures with monkeys, tattoos (1-week, 1-month type, absolutely safe to make those and there is a big chance you will get one smile.gif). Remember to deal the price before taking a picture. Otherwise they will almost "force" you to make a picture (or even more than one) with a smiley face and afterwards charge you highly with a rude face.
2. Taxi's, horse carriage's will compete among eachothers over tourists, so you can bargain as much as you like (start from a very low price and go higher if necessary, but not much) and easily. We lived 15kms away from the city, so in this case taxi's were not too interested in bringing us home for cheaper than 10 euros. So, 10-15km distance - minimum 10-15 eur.


1. Most of hotels, Riads (traditional morrocan house, very beautiful, recommended.We found some for 40euros per double room). Obviously, if staying more than one night, you can ask for a little discount (10-20%).
2. Car, scooter & Quad rent. (Unless your accomodation would help you to get a better deal, which they usually do. We got a car for 35eur/day. Even with air-conditioner!).
3. Restaurants..
4. Buses..

- DO NOT pay for parking, if you are sure, that it is free! If they see you're a tourist they often come up waving a ticket in front of you, blocking your way etc. Beware and don't be afraid to be a bit more firm when talking to them, they might get very very annoying.. This often happens when you rent a car and go to pick it up, while it is parked simply on the side of the street. They ask money for everything they can think of smile.gif

- In the city center of Marakech tourists are never left alone, there is always a loud offer to "taste this and that, buy this and that, try it on...". SO if really tired of them, simply act as if you don't notice them. If they come too close to you, shout LA SHUKRAN! and they will go away as fast as they came over smile.gif But remember, NO THANKS! doesn't help at all. Write down these expressions on your hand:

LA SHUKRAN - no thanks
BES HEL-how much? They were always surprised when I said it in arabic:)

- FRENCH is their second language, so if you do know it you will be a fish in the water. They speak minimum english. Some places have a good level though.

- If you are waiting for a bus, taxi's will keep stopping and asking if you'd like a lift. Just ignore them, if you're not interested, they will go away quickly.

- Restaurants.. We tried to watch for all the SELMONELOSE's by ordering something that will be cooked, not raw. Also, we had a bottle of brandy handy everyday wink.gif A sip after each meal, just in case. We tried restaurants in the centre of the old town in the market square, but were very dissapointed. We had chicken, soups, carbonarra.. not tasty. Ice-cream, traditional tea and coffee is very nice though. We also bought their round breads, that were yummy and always fresh. Though they always touch them with their hands smile.gif But you have to eat SOMETHING at the end of the day. Avoid street food. Watermelons, oranges, banana's sold on streets are great as long as they are not open. By the way, they are DELICIOUS!

- CLOTHES. Guys can mostly wear anything. Ladies - short-sleeve blouses are ok, shorts as well, but as long as you don't mind their whistleing and attention. Short sleeves and long thin trousers is a great option. Though I even tried wearing a short dress and came home alive smile.gif If you are with your male-partner, it is allright then.

- Marakech riad owners are pleased to pick you up from the airport or any other place, i.e. restaurant, but not to bring you back to the airport smile.gif

- Breakfast included in most Riads and is actually the best breakfast I ever ate abroad.

- Always have printed info on reservations, pre-payments and contact details of some hotels, in case of any misunderstandings. I heard that Even though you make a first payment online for your accomodation, they might deny that they don't see it in their system, so you have to pay the full price. Printed proof will be handy in this case. We arrived to Marakech at around 4-5pm, so we had to find accomodation quickly before dark. We ran through our printed list of options and found the M'HIDOU Riad interested to pick us up from the city centre for free. Don't be suspicious if the driver meets you and asks you to walk in a few metres distance behind him for some reason. We didn't ask him why, maybe he isn't a legal employee:) Also, he brought us to an agency nearby to wait for another driver, which will take us to the Riad. We had to wait for another 15 mins and were almost ready to go away, but it is all ok. Hotels do need customers and will make sure you get a place to stay.

- Tourists are NOT WELCOME inside of the Mechette. I tried taking a picture very close at the entrance, but the person at the door didn't like it at all.

- While walking in Marakech, beware of scooter drivers, they go everywhere and any way they like. You will find them in very narrow market streets, on sidewalks.. Crossing the street in Marakech is a tricky task indeed!


- Wallet made from camel's skin 250Dhs before bargaining. 50 Dhs after.
- Same wallet in the airport 50Dhs (One difference - the ones here did not have the name MOROCCO on them or any other name)
- Metal Bracelet with camels, Mechette and the Luck symbol 250Dhs. After - 50 Dhs. There are cheaper metal one's too.
- African scarf 160Dhs. After 60Dhs.
- Taxi 10-15km 200Dhs. After 100-150Dhs.
- Bus airport-city centre 20Dhs.
- Other buses in the city 5Dhs. We used to take this bus to go home. So cheap, but only hourly.
- Riads (hotel level, 6-10km away from city centre) 40-50 eur per room. Advantage - very quite, better service, cleaner, less tourists.. Disadvantage - Far away, must figure out bus schedule's or rent a car.


The first days in Morocco you might experience a "culture shock", but eventually you will find the country beautiful and exotic smile.gif The most important place of peace and silence will be your accomodation. There are things you get tired of, but the good experience overlaps them definately!

Enjoy your journey and have a great experience cool.gif
Na ka..grizau ir as is Maroko... Galiu pasakyt, kad jei kas ir primoketu, nesiruosiu vaziuot. Viena kas palliko ispudi tai dykuma ir Atlaso kalnai. Gal neatidziai buvau skaiciusi, bet labiausiai nustebino ismaldos prasantys zmones. Ju ten tiek daug..tikrai nesitikejau.