QUOTE(liinalommi @ 2006 12 02, 17:38)
Hello... my name is Karoliina from
Can someone please tell me what you are talking about as my link has come up in this thread....
Also I am using this web page
www.liinalommi.com now and this is a bit more about us...
If anyone has any questions please ask...
and the white jacket is truly beautiful...
Take care now... Karoliina...
Very nice to see You here. Your works are so beautiful...
QUOTE(Žydraakė @ 2006 12 02, 21:19)
Nu jo, toks nemažas darbas jau
Labai gražus
Tik pasakyk, o kaip ant kūno nešiojasi, neduria
aciu,mergaites ua komplimentus:) zinok visai neduria ir toks siltas. Jau karteli buvau apsirengus-ant nuogo kuno- tai neatrodo,kad tai vilnonis daiktas...visai jokiu nemaloniu pojuciu:)