Man tai pobaisiai ,kai siais laikais kai visko dar yra ,zmones rengiasi labai baisiai.Man labai baisiai yr vatinukai - matracai,sportiniai rubai ne treniruociu metu ir sintetiniai rubai.
How Olga Of Kiev Became Saint Olga
Olga of Kiev burned her enemies alive, buried diplomats, and destroyed entire towns. So how did she become a saint in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches?
In the 10th century, when Olga ruled the Kievan Rus people, they were pagan. But the nearby Byzantines were on a mission to convert their neighbors to Christianity.
After completing her vengeance against the Drevlians, Emperor Constantine VII invited Olga to visit Constantinople. On that journey, Olga converted to Christianity. When she returned to Kyiv, she encouraged her subjects to convert.
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Nu ką čia skiedi. Pirmai deklaravai, kad apranga yr nesvarbi, daba plokštelė pasikeitė? Visad juojkdavais kad kažkuri perka kažką, norėdama gražiau atrodyt tai tu rasdavai, ką atsakyt.
O tavo nuomonėl man nelabai svarbi, pati supratau kada ir nieko nebenoriu pirkt. Ir man px, aš galiu su treningu vaikščiot, svarbu medvilninis