O stai ir gydytojo atsakymas tam visaziniui profesoriui
https://sveikata.lry...-pirmi-4068475/ ypac septinto punkto pabaiga taikliai
Man tai geda skaityti to gydytojo straipnsius ir atsakymus, matosi tiesiog nusistatymas pries kitaip besimaitinancius, nors ir be kazkokio mokslinio pagrindimo, ir jo elgesys nedera medikui is vis, tiek neapykantos sukele tarp zmoniu, ikuri ugni, tiek slyksciu komentaru ir pats ka raso, bet nu ka zmoniu nepakeisi, dar matyty toli lietuviam iki suvokimo,kad visi laisvi maitintis kaip nori. Geda pries uzsienecius, kurie sugeba graziai ir mandagiai bendrauti, profesoriaus atsakymas siam gydytojui. nenoreiciau pas toki patekti...
7. Aš karo, kaip kad jūs savo rašinyje įvardijote, neskelbiu, šiuo atvejų jūs tai padarėte pirmas, parašydamas šiuos žodžius, todėl dėl jūsų parašymo „Septintas ir paskutinis punktas: norėčiau apeliuoti į Jūsų pilietinės atsakomybės jausmą“, lygiai to paties norėčiau jūsų paklausti: kodėl veganai ir vegetarai tokie agresyvūs, nes pagal paskutinį straipsnį vegetarai labiau linkę į depresiją (žr. Journal of Affective Disorders Volume 225, 1 January 2018, Pages 13-17. Research paper. Vegetarian diets and depressive symptoms among men. Kate Northstone, Jonathan Evans, Jean Golding.)
I say:
7. As I anticipated, this is one of the most unfortunate points of your reply - although I understand that you were mostly trying to be ironic, which is something I accept gladly.
Let us start by a very basic point: vegans did NOT start this discussion, YOU did. This is proved by a concept that was discovered about 6,000 years ago: time. You were the one who launched the alarm and said that vegan diet is unacceptable. And to understand what I meant by asking you not to stir tension, it is enough to see what happened after your release, including the fabulous suggestion that children should be taken away from vegan parents and given to adoption to meat-eaters (https://www.delfi.lt/…/romas-sadauskas-kvietkevicius-veganu…). Do you endorse this position, Dr. Urbonas?
And finally: research shows that vegetarians are more depressed - you say. Are you sure you want to go down this road, Dr. Urbonas? Because you also must know that research shows that vegans are more intelligent than meat-eaters (5 IQ points higher) (Gale et al. 2007) - which, I will admit, is probably why they are more depressed. They are also shown to live longer, actually (Orlich et al. 2013), which may be again another good reason to get depressed