
Internetinės parduotuvės be tarpininkų

QUOTE(maltakava @ 2017 12 08, 10:20)
Kaina 210euru,tik bijau kad garantinio nera.

tikrai nepirkčiau be garantijos..
QUOTE(FruitCocktail @ 2017 12 07, 23:52)
Niekaip nesuprantu Vertbaudet dydžių, kartais mažinti, kartais didinti. Labai nedraugiškos jų grąžinimo sąlygos verysad.gif
Gal kokiai mergaitei reikia? Mano aukštaūgei netinka doh.gif

Pilka suknelė ilgomis rankovėmis, 9,6 eur.

Pilka storesnė suknelė trumpomis rankovėmis, 10,8 eur.

Abiejų dydis 3, ilgis ~43cm, mano dvimetei vos užpakalį dengia... O tokios gražios verysad.gif

Kokios kainos geros, būtų didesnės, imtume smile.gif

Siuntimas 10 euri i lietuva tiesiai. Naujienlaiski uzsiprenumeravus atsiuncia 5 eur nuol koda

Tinka, yra parašyta. Pirkau šituos, būtent tokio rinkinio čia kaina geriausia buvo. Jau gavau, bet nežiurejau, nes po egle bus dedami.

Labai labai ačiū, uzsisakysiu nieko nelaukus  :rolleyes:  :4u:  :4u:  :4u:​ 

Mergaites, gal kas zada pirkti https://www.aptekagemini.pl arba kitos pl vaistines, jei butu mano vaistukai, ir galetu prijungti?
QUOTE(maltakava @ 2017 12 08, 10:20)
Kaina 210euru,tik bijau kad garantinio nera.

Nerizikuokite, manau. Keista, nė metų neduoda.
Sveiki, ieskau pagalbos, nes nei gap.eu chat service nei telefenas neveikia. Pries 2 savaites uzsakiau prekes, siandien ryte gavau laiske kad prekes veluos, o po valandos pervede pinigus atgal. Pirma karta toks bajeris. Klausimas-prekiu nebebus?


Thank you for shopping gap.eu.

We're sorry, but we are unable to ship your order xxxxx within the shipping period promised. Your satisfaction is important to us and we are making every effort to ship your package as soon as possible. Please know that order status can change quickly, and it is possible that your order may even ship between the time we send this message and the time that you read it.

When your package is available, we will expedite your shipping at no additional expense to you. You will receive a shipment notification email with tracking information. (Please note: the maximum delay you will experience is thirty days.)

If you have placed a CLICK + COLLECT order, a notification email will be sent to you once your order is ready for collection at your chosen store.

If you do not wish to wait, you may call to cancel your order. If we do not hear from you before we ship the package, we will assume that you have agreed to this shipment delay.

If you wish to cancel your order but find that it has already entered the shipping process, there is a chance that Customer Service may be able to cancel it. To contact Customer Service, please call us at 0800 368 0674. Otherwise, if your package arrives too late, you may either refuse delivery or return it to us for a refund. For returns, please follow the instructions on the back of your invoice.

If we may be of further assistance, please contact us at custserv@gap.eu or 0800 368 0674. Our Customer Service Consultants are here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

gap.eu Customer Service
QUOTE(alinka @ 2017 12 08, 12:35)
Sveiki, ieskau pagalbos, nes nei gap.eu chat service nei  telefenas neveikia. Pries 2 savaites uzsakiau prekes, siandien ryte gavau laiske kad prekes veluos, o po valandos pervede pinigus atgal. Pirma karta toks bajeris. Klausimas-prekiu nebebus?


Thank you for shopping gap.eu.
We're sorry, but we are unable to ship your order xxxxx within the shipping period promised. Your satisfaction is important to us and we are making every effort to ship your package as soon as possible. Please know that order status can change quickly, and it is possible that your order may even ship between the time we send this message and the time that you read it.

When your package is available, we will expedite your shipping at no additional expense to you. You will receive a shipment notification email with tracking information. (Please note: the maximum delay you will experience is thirty days.)

If you have placed a CLICK + COLLECT order, a notification email will be sent to you once your order is ready for collection at your chosen store.

If you do not wish to wait, you may call to cancel your order.  If we do not hear from you before we ship the package, we will assume that you have agreed to this shipment delay.

If you wish to cancel your order but find that it has already entered the shipping process, there is a chance that Customer Service may be able to cancel it.  To contact Customer Service, please call us at 0800 368 0674. Otherwise, if your package arrives too late, you may either refuse delivery or return it to us for a refund.  For returns, please follow the instructions on the back of your invoice.
If we may be of further assistance, please contact us at custserv@gap.eu or 0800 368 0674. Our Customer Service Consultants are here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

gap.eu Customer Service

Parašykite jiems laišką custserv@gap.eu . Gali būti, kad šią pinigų rezervaciją paleido, bet kai išsiųs rezervuos sąskaitoj pakartotinai, bet čia tik spėliojimas. 4u.gif
QUOTE(Beautiful Life @ 2017 12 08, 11:57)
Parašykite jiems laišką custserv@gap.eu .  Gali būti, kad šią pinigų rezervaciją paleido, bet kai išsiųs rezervuos sąskaitoj pakartotinai, bet čia tik spėliojimas.  4u.gif

Aciu. Tu prekiu kaip ir reikia. Todel chia butu geras variantas
Man h&m prekes labai ilgai siunte. Parasiau, sake dpd pradangino. Kaip tik ta diena gavau sms, kad kita diena pristatys. Vel parasiau, pasakiau, kad atsirado 😊 tai pasidziauge, kad atsirado, grazino pinigus, dave 20% kompensacija kitam pirkimui ir dar prekes gavau 😊
Merginos, reikia is pigu.lt prekės uz35 € o nuolaidos kodas yra tik nuo 40. Jei as dar kazka paimciau, paskui ta daikta grazinciau. Kazi, kokia suma jie man grazintu? Nuolaidos neatimtu? biggrin.gif
QUOTE(Fidi @ 2017 12 08, 09:15)
Merginos, gal kur Vilniuje Rimi, Norfoje matėt šį tralą


Kiek lt ieskojau ju, tai buvo tik senukuose ir tai ne visuose 4u.gif
QUOTE(Fidi @ 2017 12 08, 10:15)
Merginos, gal kur Vilniuje Rimi, Norfoje matėt šį tralą


jų mačiau tik Senukuose ir pigu.lt