Has someone died for me to wear a veil? When did my body become an offense to you? Is my hair so different from a horses mane? Is my breast so different from an animal s udder?
Do you remember when you were a child? Just before you menstruated and men started to look at you in a different way? When your father stopped talking to you? Do you remember those blessed times? Where you could still feel the sand on your skin? The ocean washing your face with all its strength?
I remember the smell of sun cream mixed in sand, I remember taking my panties off and swimming, swimming, and nobody cared.
I wont make a prison for myself, I want the sun on my skin, everyday. I want the wind in my hair, and travelling under my skirt. I want your hand on my thigh and please, leave the window open.
-Kodėl man atrodo,kad aš jau seniai jus pažįstu?
-Todėl kad jūs man patinkate,ir man iš jūsų nieko nereikia.Ir dar todėl,kad mes suprantame vienas kitą.