
J. Crew

O prie kokio modelio paltu nesiojat skrybeles? Nes labai gundausi jomis, bet susilaikau, nes turiu tik cocoonus ir ryskiaja chateu parka. Man atrodo prie lady geriau tiktu... Turiu ji melyna, ber skrybeles juodas nuziurejusi..

Ar perkat ka su dabartine nuolaida? Nuziurejau silkines bliuzeles, bet jauciu nesusirinks uzsakymas..
QUOTE(madmuazele @ 2016 11 15, 21:15)

Ar perkat ka su dabartine nuolaida? Nuziurejau silkines bliuzeles, bet jauciu nesusirinks uzsakymas..

Aš navy megztuką su broške užsisakiau smile.gif
QUOTE(rastafarinas @ 2016 11 15, 19:21)
O man štai su skrybėle toks niuansas: kai nusiimu, neturiu kur PADĖT. Negi rankoj nešiotis? O jei dar rankinė ant peties, o laisvą ranką norisi turėt doh.gif Kaip sukatės, moterys?
Nes aš tai su taip pusėtinai skaudančia širdim ir nenešioju, nors man labai gražu, ir tinka. Net buvau sumąsčius, kad šniuriuko reikia, nu bet kaip kaubojė gi nevaikščiosi...  lotuliukas.gif  verysad.gif

As tai nenusiimu jei jau uzsidedu skrybele biggrin.gif turiu labai plonycius plaukus,net jei galva isplauta jei nusiimu skrybele atrodo lyg kelias dienas buciau neplovus verysad.gif tai jau ta diena kai deduosi skrybele tai ir darbe (darbas leidzia) ir parduotuveje ir visur kur.. lotuliukas.gif skrybeles labai megstu nera kaip nenesiot..
Turiu cocoono tipo palta maxmaros,tai puikiai su skrybele devisi ax.gif
Nešioju skrybėlę prie šito palto ir dar turiu panašaus modelio tamsiai pilką. Skrybėlė juoda, didesniais bryliais, man atrodo, kad tinka smile.gif

vartotojo įkelta nuotrauka
QUOTE(Ilka* @ 2016 11 16, 11:26)
Nešioju skrybėlę prie šito palto ir dar turiu panašaus modelio tamsiai pilką. Skrybėlė juoda, didesniais bryliais, man atrodo, kad tinka smile.gif

Prie tokiu paltuku,damisku,skrybeles laabai gerai atrodo,bent jau mano akimis wub.gif

SOS,niekada neprasiau,bet si karta pavede mano angl.k pusrutulis biggrin.gif
Kas gali isvesti? Esme suprantu kaip ir,bet ne iki galo.. unsure.gif hmm.gif
JCREW atsiliepimas biggrin.gif
„ As soon as I saw this sweater I knew I had to have it. It has that 60/ 70's color theme going. While the description shows made of wool, this sweater also has mohair and POLY blend. The grey, brown and orange neck band are fuzzy mohair while the green back panel, mustard arm and cream at wrist are wool/ POLY? So not only is this sweater color blocked, there are different textures going on too. It is very cozy, light and just a little bit scratchy. Not too bad though. It is very stretchy but retains it shape. The fit style is a little boxy and a bit shorter in length. It is a bit short for my liking but because it has everything else going on, it is very much a keeper for me. Besides the length it fits TTS.“
QUOTE(Cocainna @ 2016 11 16, 12:50)
Prie tokiu paltuku,damisku,skrybeles laabai gerai atrodo,bent jau mano akimis wub.gif

SOS,niekada neprasiau,bet si karta pavede mano angl.k pusrutulis biggrin.gif
Kas gali isvesti? Esme suprantu kaip ir,bet ne iki galo.. unsure.gif  hmm.gif
JCREW atsiliepimas biggrin.gif
„ As soon as I saw this sweater I knew I had to have it. It has that 60/ 70's color theme going. While the description shows made of wool, this sweater also has mohair and POLY blend. The grey, brown and orange neck band are fuzzy mohair while the green back panel, mustard arm and cream at wrist are wool/ POLY? So not only is this sweater color blocked, there are different textures going on too. It is very cozy, light and just a little bit scratchy. Not too bad though. It is very stretchy but retains it shape. The fit style is a little boxy and a bit shorter in length. It is a bit short for my liking but because it has everything else going on, it is very much a keeper for me. Besides the length it fits TTS.“

trumpai - fainas smile.gif reikia imti smile.gif) cia kuris ??? smile.gif)
QUOTE(Cocainna @ 2016 11 16, 13:50)
Prie tokiu paltuku,damisku,skrybeles laabai gerai atrodo,bent jau mano akimis wub.gif

SOS,niekada neprasiau,bet si karta pavede mano angl.k pusrutulis biggrin.gif
Kas gali isvesti? Esme suprantu kaip ir,bet ne iki galo.. unsure.gif  hmm.gif
JCREW atsiliepimas biggrin.gif
„ As soon as I saw this sweater I knew I had to have it. It has that 60/ 70's color theme going. While the description shows made of wool, this sweater also has mohair and POLY blend. The grey, brown and orange neck band are fuzzy mohair while the green back panel, mustard arm and cream at wrist are wool/ POLY? So not only is this sweater color blocked, there are different textures going on too. It is very cozy, light and just a little bit scratchy. Not too bad though. It is very stretchy but retains it shape. The fit style is a little boxy and a bit shorter in length. It is a bit short for my liking but because it has everything else going on, it is very much a keeper for me. Besides the length it fits TTS.“

Atsiliepimas, kaip raso Lyn, tikrai pozityvus. Jeigu reikia detaliu - prasom 4u.gif
Ir prasom isduoti saltini biggrin.gif

60/70 -u metu spalvine gama
vilna (kaip nurodyta aprasyme), bet yra ir moheras ir poliesteris.
Ne tik skirtingu spalvu blokai, bet ir skirtingos megztinio dalis yra skirtingos sudeties.
Jaukus, lengvas
tamprus, bet forma atsistato
atitinka dydi

siek tiek "kandziojasi"
stilius truputi boxy
kiek per trumpas

QUOTE(Cocainna @ 2016 11 16, 11:50)
Prie tokiu paltuku,damisku,skrybeles laabai gerai atrodo,bent jau mano akimis wub.gif

SOS,niekada neprasiau,bet si karta pavede mano angl.k pusrutulis biggrin.gif
Kas gali isvesti? Esme suprantu kaip ir,bet ne iki galo.. unsure.gif  hmm.gif
JCREW atsiliepimas biggrin.gif
„ As soon as I saw this sweater I knew I had to have it. It has that 60/ 70's color theme going. While the description shows made of wool, this sweater also has mohair and POLY blend. The grey, brown and orange neck band are fuzzy mohair while the green back panel, mustard arm and cream at wrist are wool/ POLY? So not only is this sweater color blocked, there are different textures going on too. It is very cozy, light and just a little bit scratchy. Not too bad though. It is very stretchy but retains it shape. The fit style is a little boxy and a bit shorter in length. It is a bit short for my liking but because it has everything else going on, it is very much a keeper for me. Besides the length it fits TTS.“

Aš jo laukiu jau, praeitą savaitę nesusilaikius užsisakiau. Bet dabar žiūriu, kad rašo, jog "kandžiojasi" jis. unsure.gif
QUOTE(Lyn @ 2016 11 16, 12:56)
trumpai  -  fainas  smile.gif  reikia  imti  smile.gif)  cia  kuris ???  smile.gif)

šitas 4u.gif
QUOTE(Girl. @ 2016 11 16, 15:20)
Aš jo laukiu jau, praeitą savaitę nesusilaikius užsisakiau. Bet dabar žiūriu, kad rašo, jog "kandžiojasi" jis.  unsure.gif

šitas 4u.gif

aaa sitas, bet va pakolkas ivertinimas tik 2.5 is 5 - ir kaip supratau taip prastai ivertino vien del kandziojimosi
QUOTE(Lyn @ 2016 11 16, 15:27)
aaa sitas,  bet va  pakolkas  ivertinimas  tik  2.5  is  5 -  ir   kaip supratau  taip  prastai  ivertino  vien del  kandziojimosi

... galima į tai pažiūrėti pozityviai - tas kandziojimasis aktyvina kraujotaką. bigsmile.gif biggrin.gif
Šį pranešimą redagavo lauryna50: 16 lapkričio 2016 - 16:21
QUOTE(lauryna50 @ 2016 11 16, 16:21)
... galima į tai pažiūrėti pozityviai - tas kandziojimasis aktyvina kraujotaką.  bigsmile.gif  biggrin.gif

Ta pati pagalvojau kai perskaiciau sita atsiliepima biggrin.gif
Aciu merginos labai wub.gif
As nesupratau,kad tie spalvinimai skirtingos sudeties,galvojau kad blogai ismegztos tos dalys biggrin.gif

QUOTE(Girl. @ 2016 11 16, 14:20)
Aš jo laukiu jau, praeitą savaitę nesusilaikius užsisakiau. Bet dabar žiūriu, kad rašo, jog "kandžiojasi" jis.  unsure.gif

šitas 4u.gif

Ai as nelepi,man dar geriau kai kraujotaka aktyvins,nes baisiai bijau ir nepernesu salcio rolleyes.gif
Tas pats,uzsisakiau ir as ji,S dydi wub.gif nenoriu trumpo
Merginos, kas pirkot siuos marskinukus didinti, mazinti jie? Jei nesioju S kokio reiktu? Aciu!