QUOTE(Montekrista.back @ 2021 09 13, 17:01)
<p></p><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="paštininkė" data-cid="72871414" data-time="1631538301"><div><p>NE, neapima. Tai visiškai skirtingą žmogaus statusą nurodantys terminai. Juk ne veltui ne ES gyventojams yra išduodamos turistinės ar darbo vizos.</p></div></blockquote><p>Ji pamatė šaknį migr ir mano, kad čia jau tas pats Iš esmės, labai norint, galima taip sakyt, nes tai asmuo, persikėlęs iš vienos vietos į kitą...PVZ iš Kauno į Balbieriškį... Na, bet visi suprantam, kai kalbam ne tik apie vietos, bet š esmės šalies pakeitimą, viso būvio, sakom, kad emigravo žmogus iš LT.</p><p>Perkeltine prasme migrantas gali būti ir koks Seimo narys, keičiantis partijas

Bet emigrantu jau nepavadinsi net perkeltine prasme tokio

dar viena nebarska, zinoma migruoti galima ir tarp kaimu, tik tokio zmogaus niekas nevadins migrantu

se svieskis nors siek tiek , ji dar seime dirbusi, kas per personalas ten tragedija...
IOM Definition of "
An umbrella term, not defined under international law, reflecting the common lay understanding of a person who moves away from his or her place of usual residence, whether within a country or across an international border, temporarily or permanently, and for a variety of reasons. The term includes a number of well-defined legal categories of people, such as migrant workers; persons whose particular types of movements are legally-defined, such as smuggled migrants; as well as those whose status or means of movement are not specifically defined under international law, such as international students.
QUOTE(paštininkė @ 2021 09 13, 17:04)
Jukšt po šluota, nes tavo dainelė seniai sudainuota
jau dabar taip, na prisipazinsi klydusi ar sugebesi nors tiek gyvenime?
IOM Definition of "
An umbrella term, not defined under international law, reflecting the common lay understanding of a person who moves away from his or her place of usual residence, whether within a country or across an international border, temporarily or permanently, and for a variety of reasons. The term includes a number of well-defined legal categories of people, such as migrant workers; persons whose particular types of movements are legally-defined, such as smuggled migrants; as well as those whose status or means of movement are not specifically defined under international law, such as international students.