QUOTE(mintas @ 2019 07 31, 22:58)
Paskutinio, eilinio ginčo metu buvo pateikti du šaltiniai, patvirtinantys, kad rotoriai drėgmę gražina,
suklydau, buvo pateikti net trys šaltiniai:
QUOTE(mintas @ 2019 07 29, 23:47)
QUOTE(cibulis @ 2019 07 30, 10:52)
Štai tau PHI atsakymas:
The heat recovery unit Amalva Domekt REGO-450 was certified in a variant with an aluminium condensing rotor. In this case, when the humidity recovery is fully dependent on condensation (it means just at specific air conditions) and is therefore not ensured through the whole year, we cannot take the humidity recovery in consideration. The measuring of humidity recovery efficiency therefore was not conduct.
The humidity recovery can be taken into account only in case of sorption rotors or membran plate HX (when the humidity is recovered independent on condensation, but on the base of ab-/adsorption) and the humidity recovery is therefore ensured through the whole year. In this case we measure the humidity recovery efficiency and apply an energy surcharge for the HRrate.
The heat recovery unit Amalva Domekt REGO-450 was certified in a variant with an aluminium condensing rotor. In this case, when the humidity recovery is fully dependent on condensation (it means just at specific air conditions) and is therefore not ensured through the whole year, we cannot take the humidity recovery in consideration. The measuring of humidity recovery efficiency therefore was not conduct.
The humidity recovery can be taken into account only in case of sorption rotors or membran plate HX (when the humidity is recovered independent on condensation, but on the base of ab-/adsorption) and the humidity recovery is therefore ensured through the whole year. In this case we measure the humidity recovery efficiency and apply an energy surcharge for the HRrate.
Kaip minėjau, drėgmės gražinimo faktą patvirtino net patys PHI testuotojai. Vis tik, drėgmės gražinimas nuo aplinkos oro sąlygų įtakojamas absoliučiai visiems rekuperatoriams, skiriasi tik sąlygos, tad viskas priklauso, kokios sąlygos testavimams parenkamos, tad išskirti rotacinius kondensacinius iš kitų pagal šį parametrą yra totalus absurdas, nes testavimo sąlygos skirtos tik entalpiniams rekuperatoriams testuoti.
QUOTE(b_d @ 2019 07 30, 13:12)
O, kad rotaciniai grąžina drėgmę tai vat <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.hoval.ru/zoolu-website/media/document/2385/Rotary+heat+exchangers.pdf%C2%A0'>http://www.hoval.ru/zoolu-website/media/document/2385/Rotary+heat+exchangers.pdf </a>. Čia ne Amalvos dokumentacija ir su visais grafikais kaip tai vyksta.