Ar čia skaitėte? Gal padėtų apsispręsti.
Pažiūrėjau ir Kretos terariumo vertinimus, tai jis net aukščiau vertinamas, nei akvariumas. Reiks būtinai nueiti, nes mes kaip tik prie Chersoniso gyvensime.
gal serapis ne sezonu nedirba?
bet galite pabandyti i fivos travel parasyti, jie irgi chersonisos miestelyje buvo
Cia ju salygos individualiam uzsakymui?:
Payment method of tours can be made by bank transfer, with a deposit of 50% of your booking and the final payment 60 days prior to your departure.
Payment by credit card will incur a processing fee of 2.5% of the amount paid by credit card (except American express 6%).
Changes to Reservation: Once initial payment has been made for a tour reservation, all change requests must be received in writing. Fivos travel is subject to the rules and fees of third party suppliers and thus change requests are not guaranteed. If change is possible, all fees by the supplier, as well as an administrative fee will be added to the reservation cost.
Cancellation Fees: Cancellations received 120 days prior to departure date will be refunded in full less a 10% handling fee. Thereafter, cancellation fees are as follows:
119 to 90 days prior to departure = 25% of tour cost
89 to 60 days prior to departure = 50% of tour cost
59 to 30 days prior to departure = 75% of tour cost
29 days prior to departure forfeits full tour price, including no shows
Ir kainu ten nerandu.
Palauksiu dar Serapis Travel. Praeita sezona ju kainos mazesnes buvo uz ivan Susanin. Pvz: Santorini rugpjuti 104 eur. Rugseji matyt dar mazesne kaina buvo.
tai cia gal kai internetu perki, vietoj manau iskart galima atsiskaityti, realiai pabandykite per FB uzklaust pas juos, tik kad ju agentura ne pagrindinėje miestelio gatveleje.
Aciu. Man reikia tik 2ju ekskursiju. O taip kaip vazuojam rugpjucio pradzioje Santorini noriu pasirupinti is anksto.