Sveikos. Šiandien gavau e-laišką iš .gov tai nustebau, nes kiek skaičiau tai jie nesiunčia... (Anketą užpildžiau prieš gerą savaitę), bandžiau patikrinti puslapyje, bet neįleižia, tipo kodas neteisingas... nors jis teisingas...
Laiško tekstas:
Dear Diversity Visa Program entrant:
Please check for an important announcement regarding your Diversity Visa Program entry.
Remember, only internet sites that end with the ".gov" domain suffix are official U.S. government websites. Many other websites (e.g., with the suffixes ".com," ".org," or ".net") provide immigration and visa-related information and services. The Department of State does not endorse, recommend, or sponsor any information or material on these other websites. The Department of State, KCC, or any other U.S. government entity will never ask you to send money via email or request that you reply with personal information. The only fee associated with the DV program will be paid at the time of your interview.
U.S. Department of State
a, atrodo supratau, tipo anuliavo mano anketą

reikės iš naujo pildyti
Не стоит принимать близко к сердцу то,что можно послать в жопy.[/color]