o zara tik per tuki pirkt galima? nesiuncia tiesiai? užmačiau fainu liemenių ir slim fit marškinių sūnui.
Zodziu, rukom pushi su vertbaudet.co.uk
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems entering your address onto our records. The address you use does need to be your UK residential address, you can't use a third party address.
Please update your address to your home address. If you wish to pay at the time of order you can request delivery to an alternative address, this can't be a third party storage address. If you're opening a credit account your first order will need to be delivered to your home address.
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems entering your address onto our records. The address you use does need to be your UK residential address, you can't use a third party address.
Please update your address to your home address. If you wish to pay at the time of order you can request delivery to an alternative address, this can't be a third party storage address. If you're opening a credit account your first order will need to be delivered to your home address.
Mamos, pasidalinkit kokius zuvu taukus duodat vaikam. Be Eqe q. Nes kai pasiskaitai kokie ten tie zuvu taukai turi but (ne is menkiu, kad zuvys butu suzvejotos laisveje, kad aliejus butu isgautas zuvis traiskant,o ne cheminiu budu, kur zuvys sugautos ir t.t.). Isstudijavau turbut visus pas mus parduodamus zuvu taukus, nu nei vienu anotacijoj nera nei puses tos info...
Pirksiu is amazon.de per Uk,gal bus norinciu? Vilnius,nesiusiu
Pirksiu is amazon.de per Uk,gal bus norinciu? Vilnius,nesiusiu
Renku Boots Kaune per UK adresą. Yra papildoma 10% nuolaida. Atvežimas į LT pagal Tukio įkainius.
Rašykit į AŽ, duosiu email
Rašykit į AŽ, duosiu email
QUOTE(-Braskeele @ 2016 04 03, 08:58)
Zodziu, rukom pushi su vertbaudet.co.uk
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems entering your address onto our records. The address you use does need to be your UK residential address, you can't use a third party address.
Please update your address to your home address. If you wish to pay at the time of order you can request delivery to an alternative address, this can't be a third party storage address. If you're opening a credit account your first order will need to be delivered to your home address.
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems entering your address onto our records. The address you use does need to be your UK residential address, you can't use a third party address.
Please update your address to your home address. If you wish to pay at the time of order you can request delivery to an alternative address, this can't be a third party storage address. If you're opening a credit account your first order will need to be delivered to your home address.
Ot gaidžiai. Aš tyliai tyliai laukiau ir maniau griebsiu irgi. Aha. Pasvaigau ir nustojau. Teks purtyt draugaite. Tik paskui niftiemu persiuntinėt į PA. Pašc ten visai nepigus
QUOTE(-Braskeele @ 2016 04 03, 09:38)
Mamos, pasidalinkit kokius zuvu taukus duodat vaikam. Be Eqe q. Nes kai pasiskaitai kokie ten tie zuvu taukai turi but (ne is menkiu, kad zuvys butu suzvejotos laisveje, kad aliejus butu isgautas zuvis traiskant,o ne cheminiu budu, kur zuvys sugautos ir t.t.). Isstudijavau turbut visus pas mus parduodamus zuvu taukus, nu nei vienu anotacijoj nera nei puses tos info...
Pirksiu is amazon.de per Uk,gal bus norinciu? Vilnius,nesiusiu
Pirksiu is amazon.de per Uk,gal bus norinciu? Vilnius,nesiusiu
Aš nupirkau Carlson. Iš amerikės. Ir šiaip, kuo toliau tuo mažiau imu skaityt marazmus visokius. Užkniso to negalima tas nesveika tas kenkia. Maža buvau gėriau tokius kokie tik buvo ir užaugau kažkaip. Dabar baigia visi išprotėt.
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ar yra dar koks galiojantis pigu.lt nuolaidos kodas?
QUOTE(-Braskeele @ 2016 04 03, 07:58)
Zodziu, rukom pushi su vertbaudet.co.uk
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems entering your address onto our records. The address you use does need to be your UK residential address, you can't use a third party address.
Please update your address to your home address. If you wish to pay at the time of order you can request delivery to an alternative address, this can't be a third party storage address. If you're opening a credit account your first order will need to be delivered to your home address.
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems entering your address onto our records. The address you use does need to be your UK residential address, you can't use a third party address.
Please update your address to your home address. If you wish to pay at the time of order you can request delivery to an alternative address, this can't be a third party storage address. If you're opening a credit account your first order will need to be delivered to your home address.
liudna as taip pat galvojau , kad kainos neblogos o gal kas paaiskins kas tas per stebuklas , credit account, nes jie raso If you're opening a credit account your first order will need to be delivered to your home address. tai pirma padarai pas drauge po to gali I nuomos adresa ))))) bent jau as taip suprantu
Gal kas esat pirkę šiuos kedukus? Ar minkšti, kokybiški? tiktų platesnei kojai? Atitinka dydį?