QUOTE(elizieja @ 2016 03 23, 19:54)
Mergaitės, o kas mokėjote mytoys.de kortele - ar jum buvo rezervuota ta suma ir paskui gavote pranešimus, kad prekių nebus, ar nuskaityta jau
man dar kabo rezervuoti, jei nurašytu aš juos

dar ir atsakė į mano laišką, kokius čia briedus išdarinėja su savo klientais:
"Dear Sir,
Thank you for your reply.
Immediately after the error became apparent, we started cancelling the respective items. Due to the high order volume before Easter, the process is still not complete. Therefore, more orders that are currently being processed will be cancelled, while some couldn't be called back anymore. I understand that this is very disappointing.
I hope that I have addressed your concern.
Kind regards,
Timo Reubel "