QUOTE(Pelagija @ 2016 01 28, 10:25)
Kaip ir Lietuvoje, daugiausia sirgo suauge nuo 29 iki 49 metu.
Stai Jums visuotinis imunitetas!
Bet vis tiek reik suskiepyti butent vaikus, kad tymai nebecirkuliuotu. Kiek galima visus kvailiais laikyti?
Stai Jums visuotinis imunitetas!
Bet vis tiek reik suskiepyti butent vaikus, kad tymai nebecirkuliuotu. Kiek galima visus kvailiais laikyti?
Panašu, kad tik į lentelę pasižiūrėjote, bet teksto paskaityti nesiteikėte.
Štai Jums pora citatų: "However, in this outbreak, the extent of transmission among adults with documented receipt of MMR vaccine, including many with 2 doses, is atypical".
"FSM is a tropical country with multiple vaccine storage challenges, including high ambient temperatures, frequent power outages, and inter-island shipping issues. Although some problems with the vaccine cold chain were identified in Kosrae, it was not possible to assess whether these had affected the potency of vaccines currently in stock because the outbreak response rapidly exhausted existing vaccine supplies. However, few measles cases in children aged <9 years were identified, and most of these occurred in unvaccinated children, which suggests recent cold chain practices were adequate. Historical cold chain lapses are the most plausible explanation for prevalent vaccine failure seen in adults in this outbreak. Earlier problems with vaccine storage and handling might have resulted in suboptimal protection of persons vaccinated decades earlier.