QUOTE(kackac @ 2016 02 09, 09:16)
Australijos antivaxerių gretos nyksta akyse.
Nieko naujo, kad su tiesa skleidzianciomis organizacijomis yra bandoma susidoroti paciais ivairiausiais budais:
3. The complaints to the HCCC against the AVN are part of a systematic campaign to shut down the AVN and deny its ability to provide information about the disadvantages of vaccination. Those who have attacked the AVN have ridiculed and slandered AVN members, made false claims about their beliefs, made numerous complaints to a variety of official bodies, and made personal threats against individuals. The HCCC has allowed itself to be a tool of opponents of the AVN.
The AVN understands that others believe in vaccination and respects their right to present their viewpoints. The AVN invites them to provide information and viewpoints in other words, to participate in free and open debate rather than attempting to shut down debate by attacking the AVN
Šiaip jau, jei jų veikla tokia niekingai maža, kodėl metamos tokios pajėgos juos nutildyti? Vengiama atviraus debato? Visa tai skiepų skeptikų visai neprivers pakeisti nuomones.
Aciu kac kac, uzvedete ant tiek naudingos info!
Pasirodo, SAM apie Australijos vakcinacijos privaloma tvarka zino tiek pat, kiek as apie baleta.
Nei ten privaloma, nei ka, tereikia priestaravimo forma pasirasyti. Ir visas soc paslaugas gsuni. Kaip visada- tik melas ir bauginimai.
The first thing you need to know is that in Australia, vaccination is not compulsory. It doesnt matter what your doctor, school principal, mother in law or neighbour say no school, preschool, childcare centre or playgroup is legally allowed to discriminate against a child because of their vaccination status.
Secondly, whether you vaccinate fully, selectively or not at all, you will not lose any government entitlements including the new $726 Family Tax Benefit Part A Supplement announced by the Federal Government in July 2011.
In order to get the Tax Benefit Supplement and the Childcare Allowance (the only 2 payments currently linked with vaccination compliance) if you dont fully vaccinate, you will need to get either a GP or a clinic sister who is able to administer vaccines in other words, anyone who has an immunisation provider number to sign a Conscientious or Medical Objection form.
All Medicare and Centrelink offices as well as every GP and council vaccination clinic are required to have these forms available, but they rarely do so feel free to click the link above and download and print the form yourself so you can bring it with you when you go to get it signed.
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