Confirm Your Order
Laba diena,
tempos neseku, todėl labai atsiprašau, jeigu užduosiu besikartojantį klausimą.
Paskutinį kartą iš Iherb pirkau liepos mėnesį. Viskas buvo gerai. O dabar neleidžia apmokėti, rašo taip va:
"Please confirm your order and the details below.
Note: Your order has not been placed yet. Be sure to review your order carefully for completeness and accuracy before you take the final step of sending it into our system.
Also, please check your shipping address one more time.
The credit card is declined.
This can be caused by, but not limited to one of the following reasons:
Incorrect digit entered or numbers transposed when entering the card information
Insufficient funds in the account.
Issuing bank is offline or unavailable to authorize the charge.
Card is not authorized for Internet transactions.
Card has been disable by the issuing bank due to fraudulent activity on the card."
Per tą laiką nieko nekeičiau. Kortelė galioja iki 2017 metų.
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