Sveiki, skaitinejau labai daug apie masinos nuomas, bet iskilo klaustukas del pilno draudimo. siulo nuolaida pilnam draudimui. Kaip galvojate, ar galima uzsisakyti su ju dabar siulomu pilnu draudimu, ar visgi draustis nuvykus i vieta?
Get Total Peace of Mind and avoid costly excess charges
What exactly is the insurance excess?
Its the maximum amount youd have to pay if there was damage to the car. If you were unlucky enough to get a bump or scrape to the car or if there was any other type of damage then youd be liable up to the amount of the excess.
If you dont want to take that risk, you can protect yourself right now for only 6.95 day - thats just 41.70 for your whole rental.
Thats much cheaper than the 129.95 it would cost you to buy insurance on collection with the supplier, Interrent.
And youll also be covered for:
Damage to tyres
Damage to windscreens or glass
Damage to the undercarriage
Damage to locks
Vehicle key replacement due to theft or loss
Towing charges as a result of your rental car being in an accident
Yes, I want full coverage with 0% risk
Only 41.70 for your whole rental
Your excess is fully protected
No need for any additional insurance
I have read and understood the IPID, Policy Wording and additional statements.
Continue without insurance
Excess: 1,100
You may need to purchase the suppliers insurance on collection
Price of insurance at the car hire desk: 129.95
Užsisakius pas brokerį pilną draudimą (41.70eu) tiesioginė nuomos kompanija vis tiek nuskaičiuos 1100eu depozitą, o atsitikus įvykiui dalies tų pinigų ar visų jų (priklausomai nuo įvykio rimtumo) nebeatgausite - teks kreiptis į borkerį su visų reikalingų dok. kopijomis. Tada po kiek laiko brokeris grąžins visus pinigus.
Jei drausitės tiesioginėje komp. (129.95eu), depozito nenuskaičiuos (išskyrus už kuro baką, kurį vėliau grąžins) ir atsitikus įvykiui būsite ramūs.